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The Learning Success Pipeline AN EMILY GRIFFITH SUCCESS STORY.

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Presentation on theme: "The Learning Success Pipeline AN EMILY GRIFFITH SUCCESS STORY."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Learning Success Pipeline AN EMILY GRIFFITH SUCCESS STORY

2 Our Team  Tricia Johnson, Director of Instructional Programs  Linda Van Doren, Instructional Dean of Adult Education & Language Learning Center  Aarthi Ramesh, Instructional Dean of Health Sciences  Amy Downing, Manager of Continuing Education and Customized Training

3 Our Mission The mission of Emily Griffith Technical College is to provide knowledge, skills, and values that enable students to compete successfully in the workforce and to be self-sufficient citizens and lifelong learners.

4 Our School - THEN  Emily Griffith Opportunity School (1916)  Committed to providing opportunity for all who wish to learn  Dedicated to meeting industry needs  Focused on English language acquisition and career and technical education

5 Our School - NOW  Emily Griffith Technical College  Committed to providing opportunity for all who wish to learn  Dedicated to meeting industry needs  Focused on educational needs of the lifelong learner

6 Our Guiding Forces Innovation in Instruction Addressing Student Needs School-wide Collaboration

7 Adult Education & Language Learning Center  One of the country’s oldest adult English as a Second Language programs  Largest GED testing center in Colorado in 2014  Robust pathways into CTE programs that include financial, advising, and employment support  Financial model is combination of tuition, investment by college, and through external (grant) funding  Two Adult Education Programs  Six English as a Second Language Programs

8 Adult Education  Managed enrollment cohorts  Instructional best practices model with supplemental support  45-hour classes split by subject and academic level  Adult Basic Education Program  Co-enrollment in CTE  Native-English speaker literacy classes  Adult Secondary Education Program  Common Core/GED preparation  Courses offered onsite and in DPS schools for community

9 Language Learning Center (English as a Second Language)  Students a mix of immigrants, refugees, tourists  In AY 14, students from 94 countries speaking 72 languages  Six English as a Second Language (ESL) Programs (3,000 students annually)  Pre-Academic, Career, Technical ESL  Career Readiness ESL  On-the-Job Training Program at Emily’s Coffee  Parent Engagement ESL  Community ESL  In-home tutoring ESL program

10 Pathways to CTE


12 Synergy for Success Specialized Instruction Mentoring Services: Hands On Marketing- Community Career Assistance

13 Continuing Education  Innovation in Instruction  Instantly create customized, just in time training to support our program students needs  CPR certification  Small business classes  Program specific skills upgrade training

14 Continuing Education  Addressing Student Needs  Partner with outside agencies to provide educational opportunities at all levels  Denver Office of Economic Development-Youth Division to create 4 customized training opportunities in non-traditional areas for girls, ages 14-18  Driving program enrollment  Expanding educational opportunities to new populations of students  Increasing interest in CTE career fields

15 Continuing Education  School-wide Collaboration  We support the credit side of the house in numerous ways:  Structure and administrative functions for consistency and quality  Supporting non-credit training opportunities for both off-site and utilizing existing class space

16 Questions?  Amy  Tricia  Aarthi  Linda Van

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