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19 th, Sep, 2012 AGF Open Source Session Gaia3D, Inc. Shin, Let’s Grow Together!! - A general introduction of Open Source GIS.

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1 19 th, Sep, 2012 AGF Open Source Session Gaia3D, Inc. Shin, Sanghee( Let’s Grow Together!! - A general introduction of Open Source GIS & OSGeo -

2 $57.32 $31.92

3 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( I-1. What is Open Source SW?  Open source SW(OSS) is the computer SW that is available in source code form under certain licenses.  Users of OSS are permitted to use, copy, study, change, improve and even redistribute those OSS freely.  ‘Free’ does not mean ‘Free of Charge’ but ‘Freedom’ I. Overview of Open Source SW 3 FreedomOfSoftware FreedomofRedistribute FreedomofModifyFreedomofCopy FreedomofUse

4 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( Cathedral Bazaar Leverage own knowledge Leverage others knowledge too  Designed and developed by inside R&D lab  Inside knowledge, intellectual property, experiences  Idling knowledge, limited leveraging outside knowledge  Designed and developed with other outside partners  Inside knowledge + outside knowledge  ‘We are smarter than Me!!’ In-House Development Collaborative Development  Leveraging inside & outside knowledge I. Overview of Open Source SW 4  Open Source Software Development Model I-2. Cathedral vs. Bazaar

5 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee(  Open Source SW vs. Freeware 5 Users have the right to access &modify the source codes. In case original programmer disappeared, users & developer group of the S/W usually keep its support to the S/W. OSS usually has the strong users & developers group that manage and maintain the project OSS Freeware  OSS is different from Freeware  Antonym of OSS would be ‘Closed Source S/W’ or ‘Proprietary S/W’  Recently OSS is also regarded as ‘Commercial S/W’ Freeware is usually distributed in a form of binary at ‘Free of Charge’, but does not open source codes itself. Developer of freeware could abandon development at any time and then final version will be the last version of the freeware. No enhancements will be made by others. Possibility of changing its licensing policy I-3. Open Source SW vs. Freeware I. Overview of Open Source SW

6 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( I-4. Benefits of Open Source SW 6  Benefits of Open Source Software purported by OSS Community  Save money, save resources, increase stability, access to source code, access to skilled community of developers Develop the society by sharing technology & outcomes!! 1. Technological Aspects 2. Economical Aspects 3. Business Aspects 4. Other Aspects Rapid development of high- class SW Increased stability by skilled community review Reduce technological gap to leading proprietary SW company Internalize outside SW developer resources Very low adoption cost Reduce SW development cost Easy to customize Reuse successful story Extend company’s products portfolio Open up new market by providing diversified services & products Improve brand image of company Reduce energy Self-Satisfaction Help society I. Overview of Open Source SW

7 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 7  Open Source Advantages over Commercial SW  Open source’s price tag is clearly important driver. OSS is practically cheaper than commercial one.  57% said that accessibility to source code really matters and 41% cited community code review as an important benefit over proprietary.  Price &open source code are key factors! * Source : Barracuda Networks I-4. Benefits of Open Source SW I. Overview of Open Source SW

8 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 8 II-1. What is Open Source GIS? II. Open Source GIS  Open Source GIS FOSS4G : Free Open Source Software for Geo-Spatial GeoFOSS : GeoSpatial Free Open Source Software

9 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 9  Current State & Needs of Open Source GIS Boom-up of Open Source &Open Source GIS - Around 300~400 Open Source GIS projects are available (, 2011) Advance of Open Source GIS - OSGeo Foundation : Commercial proprietary GIS SW can be replaced with Open Source GIS - Google used Open Source based GDAL in its Google Earth program - AutoDeskopend the source code of MapGuide, FDO &MetaCRS and then donated those to OSGeo - ESRI actively used GDAL and also changed its ArcGIS GeoPortal Server to Open Source based one Active adoption of Open Source GIS in UN, EU, USA, Canada and other countries Current State Want to meet lots of needs of GIS from public sectors Want More with Less!! Want to replicate other people & institution’s experience Want to manage & modify the system by ourselves!! Necessity II. Open Source GIS II-2. Why Open Source GIS?

10 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 10  Characteristics of GIS  GIS = Vertical Set of Many Software Interoperability is very crucial among components Linux, Apache, PHP are Horizontal based Software GIS is Vertical Architecture based one from DB to web client  GIS as Public Infrastructure = Spatial Data Infrastructure Vendor neutral, standard based architecture is very important Active standardization by ISO, OGC  Open Source GIS as another Lego Block Active implementation of “Standard Compatibility” by Open Source GIS Open Source GIS could replace commercial proprietary SW/Components II. Open Source GIS II-3. Characteristics of GIS

11 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 11  Characteristics of GIS : Vertical Set of Many Software Data DBMS Server Middleware Interface Client MapImageDEM Oracle PostgreSQL ArcServerArcSDE GeoServer MIP ArcTMS TMS GeoWebCache WMSWFSWCSCSW ArcMAPGoogle Earth QGIS Web II. Open Source GIS II-4. GIS : Vertical Set of Many Software

12 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 12  Open Source GIS as Substitute for Proprietary Software ArcReader ArcMap/ArcGIS ArcINFO/ArcGRID ArcPad ArcSDE ArcIMS ArcGIS Server VB, Python uDig, GRASS,gvSIG, QGIS, OSSIM GRASS, OSSIM, SEXTANTE gvSIG mobile PostGIS Mapserver, GeoServer, DeeGree GRASS, SEXTANTE PHP, Python, Perl,, etc… Viewing Cartography Analysis Devices Database Web Spatial Server Scripting II. Open Source GIS II-5. Another Lego Block Source : Prof. Kwangwoo Nam

13 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 13 III-1. FOSS4G Projects III. Open Source GIS Projects  FOSS4G Projects under OSGeo Umbrella Geospatial Libraries Web Mapping Desktop GIS Metadata Catalog

14 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 14  C Tribe OGR/GDAL Mapserver GRASS PostGIS OSSIM Proj4 GEOS QGIS GMT TerraLib MapGuide FDO III-1. FOSS4G Projects III. Open Source GIS Projects Source : Tyler Mitchell

15 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 15  Java Tribe GeoTools OpenMap GeoServer JTS Topology Suite JUMP uDig DeeGree gvSIG GeoAPI III-1. FOSS4G Projects III. Open Source GIS Projects Source : Tyler Mitchell

16 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 16 .Net Tribe Proj.Net WorldWind NTS SharpMap MapWindow GDAL Proj4 JTS OGR III-1. FOSS4G Projects III. Open Source GIS Projects Source : Tyler Mitchell

17 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 17  Web Tribe MapBender TileCache MapBuilder CartoWeb PostGIS WMS Mapserver OpenLayers FeatureServer Ka-Map Geoserver GeoExt MapFish OpenScales ExtJS III-1. FOSS4G Projects III. Open Source GIS Projects Source : Tyler Mitchell

18 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 18  FOSS4G Based SDI Architecture III-2. FOSS4G Based NSDI III. Open Source GIS Projects

19 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 19  FOSS4G Ecosystems Data DBMS Server Middleware Client Open Street MapOpen Aerial Map GeoNames PostgreSQL + PostGI S MapServer MapGuide GeoServer Deegree Squid TMS GeoWebCache QGIS uDIG Open Layers GeoExt Map Window OWS Interface World Wind Map Fish Open Scales GRASS GeoNetwork III-2. FOSS4G Based NSDI III. Open Source GIS Projects

20 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 20  Geo Bolivia Pursuing Open Source GIS based NSDI III-2. FOSS4G Based NSDI III. Open Source GIS Projects

21 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 21 EU : INSPIRE III-2. FOSS4G Based NSDI III. Open Source GIS Projects  EU : INSPIRE Hybrid model by mixing proprietary and foss4g

22 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 22  IGN, France  Managing more than 100M spatial entities using PostGIS III-3. Real Cases III. Open Source GIS Projects

23 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 23  MassGIS, USA  Using PostGIS, GeoServer, GeoExt with ESRI Products III-3. Real Cases III. Open Source GIS Projects

24 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 24  National Broadband Map, FCCof USA  Using PostGIS, GeoServer, OpenLayers III-3. Real Cases III. Open Source GIS Projects

25 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 25  TriMet, Portland USA  Using PostGIS, GeoServer, OpenLayers III-3. Real Cases III. Open Source GIS Projects

26 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 26  Open Source GIS Adoptions in Korea III-3. Real Cases III. Open Source GIS Projects

27 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 27  Open Street Map  OSM is made & published by people’s participation!! III-4. Open GeoData III. Open Source GIS Projects

28 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 28 IV-1. General Information IV. OSGeo(Open Source GeoSpatial) OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation Established in Chicago, US on 4 th February, 2006. Mission : To support the collaborative development of open source geospatial software, and promote its widespread use. OSGeo is a NPO that is functioning as community of communities.  OSGeoGeneral

29 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 29  Goal & Activities of OSGeo Goal Activities Provide resources for FOSS4G projects -Infrastructures -Legal -Financial Promote free and open geospatial data Create and maintain a quality brand Create and promote free curriculum Promote and contribute to standards Support FOSS4G on a global scale Support local activities and capacities Facilitate inter-project communication Build a solid market for business and users Interface with industry and academia Support the education of domain experts not IV-2. Goal & Activities IV. OSGeo(Open Source GeoSpatial)

30 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 30  Governance Structure of OSGeo IV-3. Governance Structure IV. OSGeo(Open Source GeoSpatial)

31 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 31  OSGeo Activity Meter Source : http://lists.osgeo.org IV-4. Activity Meter IV. OSGeo(Open Source GeoSpatial)

32 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 32  OSGeo Incubation Efforts for ensuring high quality open source GIS development A kind of project health inspection Have a successfully operating open and collaborative development community 1 Have clear IP oversight of the code base of the project 2 Adopt the OSGeo principles and operating principles 3 Are mentored through the incubation process 4 IV-5. Incubation IV. OSGeo(Open Source GeoSpatial)

33 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 33  OSGeoIncubation Projects Statistics IV-5. Incubation IV. OSGeo(Open Source GeoSpatial)

34 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 34  Enterprise Ready Open Source GIS Stacks IV-6. OSGeo Live IV. OSGeo(Open Source GeoSpatial)

35 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 35  FOSS4G Conference Annual largest open source GIS conference hosted by OSGeo FOSS4G 2013 will be held at Nottingham, UK IV-7. Conferences IV. OSGeo(Open Source GeoSpatial)

36 AGF 2012 – Open Source Session Presentation 19/09 Shin, Sanghee( 36 V-1. Wrap-up V. Wrap-up Open Source GIS is basically free. The price of commercial Open Source GIS is lower than proprietary one Open Source GIS is basically free. The price of commercial Open Source GIS is lower than proprietary one Cost Reduction Almost all the Open Source GIS is compliant with OGCstandards Open Source GIS can be used with existing proprietary GIS Almost all the Open Source GIS is compliant with OGCstandards Open Source GIS can be used with existing proprietary GIS Interoperability Anybody can modify & upgrade the system from the source code level Can easily replicate or migrate success cases to their system Anybody can modify & upgrade the system from the source code level Can easily replicate or migrate success cases to their system Opened Source Code Collaboration, sharing & community based SW development model Source code will be managed by community not by company Neutrality from specific technology or company Anybody can join and contribute to Open Source GIS with OSGeo Collaboration, sharing & community based SW development model Source code will be managed by community not by company Neutrality from specific technology or company Anybody can join and contribute to Open Source GIS with OSGeo Collaboration based SW Open Source GIS is now comparable with commercial proprietary GIS Open Source GIS is now actively adopted & used all around the world Open Source GIS is now comparable with commercial proprietary GIS Open Source GIS is now actively adopted & used all around the world Advance of Open Source GIS


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