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Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire & Luton Safeguarding Children Boards Child sexual abuse through exploitation Glynis Allen Head of Luton Drug and.

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Presentation on theme: "Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire & Luton Safeguarding Children Boards Child sexual abuse through exploitation Glynis Allen Head of Luton Drug and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire & Luton Safeguarding Children Boards Child sexual abuse through exploitation Glynis Allen Head of Luton Drug and Alcohol Partnership Chair Pan Beds Sexual Exploitation Task and Finish Group

2 Welcome and housekeeping ! Switch off or have on silent

3 National perspective Recent prosecutions –Derby, Nottingham, Oxford, Rochdale Safeguarding Children and Young People –Sexual Exploitation Action Plan November 2011 –Government letter to LSCB requesting support December 2011

4 Local Safeguarding Children's Board’s have been asked to Raise awareness amongst professionals Provide specialist training Develop a local protocol on sexual exploitation Develop information for young people Scope the extent of the problem locally Map support services for victims Disrupt and or prosecute perpetrators

5 Cutting them free Barnardo’s 2012 Survey of 21 services Caseload increase 30% Majority of grooming is private not ‘street’ One in ten victims were boys 44% were missing from home One in six had been trafficked in UK One in three services noted a marked rise in peer to peer sexual exploitation

6 Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire & Luton Safeguarding Children Boards Pan Bedfordshire Task and Finish Group Awareness briefings arranged for 20 June Local discussions and research by Bedfordshire University to scope the extent of the problem Increase awareness of young people, parents, front line staff and the community Ensure pathways of support are known Disrupt and arrest perpetrators and use media

7 Break and other presentations Sue Gregory and Ian Winton Paul Cook

8 Responsibilities as professionals Be aware and alert Share concerns with colleagues Support young people to share information Talk about caring relationships Talk about sexual exploitation Use the Interagency Safeguarding procedures Attend training on child sexual abuse through exploitation

9 Supporting vulnerable young people Attend the Luton SCB ‘Colluding with Silence’ or other Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation training courses Consult young people about improving services Improve access to services for young people Invite the local YP sexual health worker to team meetings Use the Interagency Safeguarding procedures

10 Concerned about a child? Contact your local Intake and Assessment Team for further advice Make a Referral Dial 999 if the risk is immediate

11 Concerned about an Agency’s response? Sally Stocker Business Manager Bedford Borough & Central Beds Safeguarding Children Board Telephone no: 0300 300 6674 Catherine Barrett Business Manager Luton Safeguarding Children Board Telephone no: 01582 547590

12 Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire & Luton Safeguarding Children Boards Thank you for attending today. Have a safe journey and visit for further references and information on Child sexual abuse

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