The Dorset Waste Partnership Louise Bryant Service Development Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "The Dorset Waste Partnership Louise Bryant Service Development Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Dorset Waste Partnership Louise Bryant Service Development Manager

2 Introduction What is the Dorset Waste Partnership (DWP)? Aims and objectives of the DWP Areas for potential cost savings Future Plans –The Dorset Waste Service –Commercial Waste Service

3 What is the DWP? County-wide partnership for waste management and street cleansing –Christchurch Borough Council, Dorset County Council, East Dorset District Council, North Dorset District Council and Purbeck District Council – April 2011 –West Dorset District Council and Weymouth and Portland Borough Council – due to join in April 2013 Waste collection & disposal - encourages best practice whole system/whole cost decision making Improve services while reducing costs

4 What is the DWP? Legally binding inter-authority agreement signed by all seven authorities in December 2010 Cost sharing agreement between partners Governance –Management Board –Joint Committee – 2 members representing each partner authority –All final decisions with a financial impact to be made by each partner council

5 Aims and Objectives Increase recycling rates to 60% by 2015/16 Reduce the amount of waste collected Improve customer satisfaction rates Reduce the climate change impact of waste services Achieve a minimum of £1.4 million/annum savings

6 Areas for potential cost savings Infrastructure – improve depot and transfer infrastructure Reduce vehicle requirements – capital and revenue savings Increased recycling and composting – lead to reduced treatment and disposal costs Staff savings – through natural turnover Increased commercial waste service Productivity savings – cross boundary collections Improved promotion of waste minimisation and recycling

7 The Dorset Waste Service Aim to implement a consistent waste collection service for Dorset Improved service at a reduced cost Detailed modelling undertaken of various different waste collection options. Areas assessed: –Whole system cost Collection costs, including capital Disposal and treatment costs Infrastructure costs, including capital Material income –Customer experience –Performance rates –Risk assessment

8 The Dorset Waste Service The recommended option: –A weekly food waste collection –A fortnightly tri-stream recycling collection –A fortnightly restricted residual waste collection –An optional fortnightly charged garden waste collection Cost of current system in 2014/15 - £92 / hh Cost of recommended option in 2014/15 - £76 / hh Saving of £2.96 million per annum from 2014/15

9 The Dorset Waste Service Dry recycling Paper & light card; Corrugated card; Tins & cans; Plastic bottles; Mixed glass; Batteries. Week 1 – Dry recycling and food waste collection Food waste Household food waste Rear view Side View

10 The Dorset Waste Service Residual waste Any residual waste left over after recycling and food waste collections Food waste Household food waste Week 2 – Residual and food waste collection Side View Rear view

11 The Dorset Waste Service Simple to use, all recyclate except for glass in one bin. Greater capacity most cases 240 ltr (was 55 ltr) Reduced lifting of boxes Standard service of two wheelie bins Ability to increase range without additional containers Future proofed One collection vehicle a week

12 The Dorset Waste Service An important aim of the Dorset Service is to ensure it can be tailored to meet the needs of residents and the variations of properties in Dorset. For example, householders may have difficulty in storing wheeled bins, have young children or medical conditions that may prevent them from using the standard service. A range of approaches for tailoring the service will be developed, and the types and costs of resources required identified and subject to member approval.

13 The Dorset Waste Service Implementation –The recommended option has been approved by Joint Committee –Currently going to each partner council for approval –If approved by the partners, implementation will commence in October 2012

14 Commercial Waste Service Developing plans to extend the current commercial waste collection service Will be looking at recycling and residual waste collections Commercial Development Officer due to start work in December Enforcement Officers – abuse of the household waste collection service

15 Any Questions?

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