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Waste Strategy & Implementation Plan. Background Population of approx. 140,000 Approx. 67,000 households 50% of properties high-rise/ tenemental Current.

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1 Waste Strategy & Implementation Plan

2 Background Population of approx. 140,000 Approx. 67,000 households 50% of properties high-rise/ tenemental Current recycling rate 21%

3 BPEO Maximise segregated kerbside collections for dry recyclates Maximise segregated kerbside collections for compostable waste Increase the amount of “bring” sites Recovery of energy from combustible waste Remaining waste to landfill

4 Paper Collections 12,000 properties currently participate in scheme Increase to 48,000 properties by 2013 Raise tonnage collected from 2,000 tpa to 6,200 tpa by 2013 and 8,000 tpa by 2020

5 Dry Mixed Recyclate “Green Box” pilot system to 6000 properties by 2006 Introduction of MRF approx 2006/07 Expand collection system across city between 2006/13 Increase tonnage of dry recyclate collected to 9000 tonnes by 2020

6 Green Waste Collections 30,500 properties currently offered service Increase by a further 19,000 properties between 2006/13 Expand collection to accept food waste Raise tonnage collected from 5,000 tpa to 15,500 tpa by 2020

7 Green Waste Processing Extend existing site by 2006 Introduce In Vessel composting system by 2007/08 Increase capacity of In Vessel composting system by 2010

8 Recycling Points Increase to 30 by 2006 Increase to 80 by 2020 All new housing developments to identify potential site for recycling point Raise tonnage collected from 1,200 tpa to 6,200 tpa by 2020

9 Recycling Centres Build new site at Baldovie during 2005/06 Refurbish all other existing sites by 2013 Improve range of materials segregated at existing sites for reuse and recycling Increase tonnage of waste recycled from recycling centres from 2,200 to 7,600 tpa by 2020

10 Commercial Waste Established ‘pubs & clubs’ glass collection Re-introduce separate salvage collection by 2006 Increase percentage of commercial waste recycled from 20% to 40% by 2020 Raise tonnage recycled to 13,600 tpa by 2020

11 Community Involvement Commitment to establish furniture reuse project within Dundee Reuse and refurbishment working group formed to examine “eco-centre” concept Possible partnership with DCC to reuse/refurbish office furniture Examine possibility of reusing Recycling Centre waste eg paint, bikes, fridges

12 Recycling Rate

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