D1.HFO.CL2.04 Slide 1. Introduction Maintain guests’ financial records:  Classroom schedule  Trainer contact details  Assessments  Resources: Calculator,

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Presentation on theme: "D1.HFO.CL2.04 Slide 1. Introduction Maintain guests’ financial records:  Classroom schedule  Trainer contact details  Assessments  Resources: Calculator,"— Presentation transcript:

1 D1.HFO.CL2.04 Slide 1

2 Introduction Maintain guests’ financial records:  Classroom schedule  Trainer contact details  Assessments  Resources: Calculator, pen and paper Slide 2

3 Introduction Ice breaker:  What is your name?  Where do you live?  Why are you doing this course?  Where do you work?  What do you like most about your workplace? Slide 3

4 Cycle of service Slide 4 Pre-arrival Departure Arrival Occupancy

5 Cycle of service  Goods and services provided: In small groups, list some examples of facilities that may be offered at accommodation venues  Financial transactions: Definition Source documents Responsibility Slide 5

6 Guest accounting cycle Slide 6 Pre-arrival Arrival Account creation Occupancy Account maintenance Departure Account settlement

7 Guest accounting cycle  Types of guest accounting systems: Features Revenue and expenses  Different accounts: Master accounts Extras accounts City ledger Cash folio Slide 7

8 Guest accounting system  Accommodation services: Front office Back office Reservations  Transactions: Pre-arrival Arrival Occupancy Departure Slide 8

9 Organizational chart Slide 9 Senior Managers and Owners Food and Beverage Bar Restaurant Room service Rooms Front Office ReservationsConcierge Housekeeping Supervisors Room and Laundry attendants Maintenance Engineers Tradesmen Finance Accountants Clerical staff Sales and Marketing Sales Managers Marketing assistants Clerical staff

10 Transactions on the guest account  Deposits and advance payments: Definition Recording as revenue Pre-arrival Arrival Slide 10

11 Transactions on the guest account  Limitations and restrictions: Responsibility Monetary Service Activity Describe to a partner what you understand both monetary and service limitations to mean. Refer to the Trainee Manual if required. Share with the group as directed. Slide 11

12 Transactions on the guest account  Problem accounts: Arrival Occupancy Departure  Corrections and adjustments  Activity Slide 12

13 Transactions on the guest account  Room rates: Revenue What influences the room rate? Calculation Where are they found? The rack rate Slide 13

14 Transactions on the guest account  Payment options: Cash and cash equivalent Vouchers Company charge Frequent guest points Slide 14

15 15 Arrival Account creation Departure Account settlement Pre-arrival Occupancy Account maintenance Establish guest financial record

16 The guest financial record or account:  When is it created? From previous information At check in  How is it created? Guest history Pre-arrival At check in Slide 16

17 Establish guest financial record What does the guest account look like?  Personal details  Guest history  Payment details  Check-in and check-out dates  Special arrangements Activity  Create a guest account template based on class discussions Slide 17

18 Establish guest financial record Different types of guest accounts:  Master account  Extras account  Payment from guests on arrival: Advance payments Deposits Slide 18

19 Establish guest financial record Different types of guest accounts:  Closed guest account  Open guest account: Pre-authorization limits Deposits Master or extras account Slide 19

20 Establish guest financial record Status of guest accounts:  Notify revenue centres: What are revenue centres? Why? How? When? Slide 20

21 Maintain guest accounts Slide 21 Pre-arrival Arrival Account creation Occupancy Account maintenance Departure Account settlement

22 Maintain guest accounts Posting charges and payments to guest accounts:  Guest accounting system: Debit Credit  Responsibility: Revenue centres Front office Slide 22

23 Maintain guest accounts Posting charges to guest accounts:  Charges: Accommodation Revenue centres Other charges  Source documentation  Posted by front office or individual departments Slide 23

24 Maintain guest accounts Posting payments to guest accounts:  Payments: During occupancy Reasons  Source documentation  Responsibility  Procedures Slide 24

25 Maintain guest accounts Activity Slide 25 TransactionSource documentProcess methodDebit or credit

26 Maintain guest accounts Limits on house accounts:  What is a limit?  Why do accommodation venues have limits: What are debtors? Debtor control  House limits: What are debtors? Debtor control Slide 26

27 Maintain guest accounts Limits on house accounts:  House limits: Company credit Credit card companies In-house guest limits  Floor limits: Credit card companies Slide 27

28 Maintain guest accounts Filing supporting documentation:  Represents revenue  Sort and distribute appropriately  System  Time frame  Organizational policies and procedures Slide 28

29 Maintain guest accounts Reconciling the guest account:  What is a reconciliation?  Why do you reconcile the guest account?  Who performs the reconciliation?  Source documentation: Department reports Front office reports Slide 29

30 Maintain guest accounts Slide 30 The reconciliation Guest accounts Individual departments

31 Maintain guest accounts What do you do if the totals do not agree?  Check calculations for computation errors  Ensure that all reports are included  If the guest account total is lower than the departments total: Charges or payments were not posted to the guest account or an incorrect amount was posted  If the guest account total is higher than the departments total: Charges or payments were not posted to the individual department or an incorrect amount was posted  Source documents Slide 31

32 Maintain guest accounts Reconciliation adjustments:  Update missing charges or payments to guest accounts  Advise individual departments of changes to charges or payments  Final task after adjustments Slide 32 Guest accounts Individual departments

33 Maintain guest accounts Activity  Design a flowchart explaining the reconciliation process  Pass the flowchart to another student and perform the reconciliation provided using their flowchart. Did it work? Suggest any improvements Slide 33

34 Maintain guest accounts Refunds  What is a refund?  How is a refund calculated?  Who is responsible?  Who is paid?  Documentation to complete Slide 34

35 Maintain guest accounts Night audit functions:  What is the night audit?  What does the night auditor do?  How can you help? Slide 35

36 Maintain guest accounts Prepare account for payment:  Departure report: Room number Guest name  Missing charges and payments  Source documentation  Guest account balance Slide 36

37 Finalize guest accounts Slide 37 Arrival Account creation Departure Account settlement The guest accounting cycle Pre-arrival Occupancy Account maintenance

38 Finalize guest accounts Prepare guest account for payment:  Finalizing charges and payments: Departure report Notification from revenue centres Posting charges and payments before check out  Presenting the account to the guest: Source documents included Manage queries Slide 38

39 Finalize guest accounts Explain charges as required:  Some of the queries guests may raise: Accommodation charges Charge for goods and services not used Incorrect charge for goods and services  Corrections and adjustments  Reprint guest account Slide 39

40 Finalize guest accounts Accept payment from guest:  Payment methods: Notes and coins Credit cards Cheques Vouchers Foreign currency Company/group charges No payment! Slide 40

41 Finalize guest accounts Process finalized guest account:  Record payment: Balance of guest account is zero  Related activities: Filing System reports Slide 41

42 Finalize guest accounts Late charges:  What are they and why do they occur?  Pre-authorization: Individual account Company account  No authorization Slide 42

43 Finalize guest accounts Activity  Role play: In pairs, re-enact the departure process using an example guest account provided in class Slide 43

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