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Total Mesorectal Excision A Practical Guide. Total Mesorectal Excision Background Original description in 1982 Complete excision of the mesorectum Meticulous.

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Presentation on theme: "Total Mesorectal Excision A Practical Guide. Total Mesorectal Excision Background Original description in 1982 Complete excision of the mesorectum Meticulous."— Presentation transcript:

1 Total Mesorectal Excision A Practical Guide

2 Total Mesorectal Excision Background Original description in 1982 Complete excision of the mesorectum Meticulous anatomical mobilisation of the rectum

3 Total Mesorectal Excision Background Original description in 1982 Complete excision of the mesorectum Meticulous anatomical mobilisation of the rectum

4 Total Mesorectal Excision

5 MDT Process MRI Staging +/- Radiotherapy TME Pathological scrutiny

6 Total Mesorectal Excision Left Colon Mobilisation Mobilisation of splenic flexure Separation of colon and mesocolon from posterior structures High tie IMA and IMV

7 Total Mesorectal Excision Left Colon Mobilisation Mobilisation of splenic flexure Separation of colon and mesocolon from posterior structures High tie IMA and IMV

8 Total Mesorectal Excision Left Colon Mobilisation Mobilisation of splenic flexure Separation of colon and mesocolon from posterior structures High tie IMA and IMV

9 Total Mesorectal Excision Upper Pelvis Identify vascular envelope Identify hypogastric nerves Identify “holy plane”

10 Total Mesorectal Excision Upper Pelvis Identify vascular envelope Identify hypogastric nerves Identify “holy plane”

11 Total Mesorectal Excision Upper Pelvis Identify vascular envelope Identify hypogastric nerves Identify “holy plane”

12 Total Mesorectal Excision Posterior Dissection Develop plane in midline Use sharp or diathermy dissection Proceed to recto- sacral fascia

13 Total Mesorectal Excision Lateral Dissection Careful dissection anteriorly Identify and protect the hypogastric nerves Stop when plane disappears

14 Total Mesorectal Excision Lateral Dissection Identify hypogastric nerves Careful dissection anteriorly Stop when plane disappears

15 Total Mesorectal Excision Anterior Dissection Divide peritoneum above reflection Identify vesicles or vagina Identify Denonvilliers fascia

16 Total Mesorectal Excision Mid Pelvis Plane more difficult to define anterolaterally “Lateral Ligaments” Dissect between mesorectum and neurovascular bundle

17 Total Mesorectal Excision Mid Pelvis Plane more difficult to define anterolaterally “Lateral Ligaments” Dissect between mesorectum and neurovascular plexus

18 Total Mesorectal Excision Mid Pelvis Divide recto-sacral fascia using sharp dissection Avoid excessive traction on mesorectum

19 Total Mesorectal Excision Low Pelvis Divide Denonvilliers fascia Release the posterior mesorectum Identify the ano-rectal junction

20 Total Mesorectal Excision The Specimen

21 Total Mesorectal Excision The Specimen

22 Total Mesorectal Excision APER Same dissection to pelvic floor Avoid the most distal mobilisation Excise the levators with the specimen

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