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Enterprise M3 Local Enterprise Partnership Background Aims and Organisation Rural Delivery Group Other Rural Groups.

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Presentation on theme: "Enterprise M3 Local Enterprise Partnership Background Aims and Organisation Rural Delivery Group Other Rural Groups."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enterprise M3 Local Enterprise Partnership Background Aims and Organisation Rural Delivery Group Other Rural Groups

2 Background Following abolition of regional agencies the LEP’s set up to be the business voice Public / private partnerships with majority private sector members Enterprise M3 Chaired by Geoff French – past Chairman of Consulting Engineers Scott Wilson Mike Rushworth of Vitacress represents Rural County Council and Local Authorities have involved members and officers at high level Now has “Growing Enterprise Fund” of £21.7m


4 EM3 Business Plan Board sees LEP role as promoting business interests Formed 6 Actions Groups to progress this: –Finance, Innovation & Business Support –Land and Property Group –Skills and Employability Group –Infrastructure Group –Inward investment, Leisure, Tourism and Place Shaping –Rural Economy and Broadband Group Board also commissioned Economic Assessment of the EM3 area and a Barriers to Growth survey Showed successful & robust economy - with challenges

5 Strong local economy - but caveats not the most successful part of the wider area productivity level is below the SE average highest skilled (and paid) commute to London above average job losses during the recession Enterprise M3 LEP Business Plan 2012/2013

6 Barriers to Business Growth Enterprise M3 LEP Business Plan 2012/2013

7 Rural Group - Objectives The Rural Delivery Group will promote viable and vibrant sustainable rural communities across the area. The group will work to secure long term growth of the economy and the labour force in the rural areas, whilst also promoting sustainable management of the countryside and protecting landscapes of national importance. It must effectively articulate rural needs and formulate and promote policies and actions that will achieve its objectives.”

8 Rural Delivery Group - Focus Comment on rural issues in developing LDF’s Encourage Rural Planning to promote growth Investigating limitations in rural infrastructure Reviewing and promote ideas for improving Broadband and mobile speeds Encouraging renewable energy and its promotion via LDF’s and policies' Identify and publicise rural funding streams Support appropriate skills in the rural areas Promote affordable housing

9 Rural Planning policies The Rural Group support policies that encourage and permit growth of both traditional and new businesses in rural areas. The policies are based on: Government Commissioned report “Living Working Countryside: The Taylor Review of the Rural Economy and Affordable Housing” and The “The Worth Report” - strong local evidence EM3 Board being asked to endorse / support these.

10 Rural Broadband Increasing necessity for all rural businesses Both traditional rural activities and others Increasing importance of home working Rural premises will be difficult to let without it. Over 700 rural clusters with 5+ businesses found Rural group bidding for funds to deliver high speed broadband to areas not covered by current funding plans – the last 10% of Premises. Working alongside HCC - Daniel Fearnley

11 Wood fuel - Biomass Wood fuel is a renewable energy source with substantial potential for growth and to increase employment. Increasing demand and revenue increases management of woodlands which also improves ecology of woodlands Joint Project with Forestry Commission to improve knowledge and increase uptake of wood / biomass fuel: Demonstrating the substantial and robust supply chain. Clarifying and illustrating costs and how systems work. Presenting and providing that information to those who advise and make the decisions on heating systems.

12 Promoting Rural Interests Existing rural groups in the LEP area include: Surrey and Hampshire County Rural Partnerships – sponsored by County councils Rural Farm Networks – Wessex and FRIG SE – sponsored by DEFRA Leader groups – not 100% coverage Rural Growth Networks – pilots currently LEP Rural groups – sponsored by DCLG The roles / relationships are evolving and not clear

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