EU efforts towards Kyoto Marianne Wenning DG ENV, Climate Change unit 28 November 2002.

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1 EU efforts towards Kyoto Marianne Wenning DG ENV, Climate Change unit 28 November 2002

2 Basis for EU Action l The “Bonn Agreement” (07/2001) & COP-7 decisions in Marrakech (11/2001) provide a good basis for starting implementation l EU Ratification May 2002

3 EC greenhouse gas emissions compared with targets for 2000 and 2008-2012 (excl. LUCF)

4 Distance-to-target indicators (in index points = percent) for the Kyoto Protocol and burden sharing targets of EU Member States

5 Project Progress in 2012 l Current and additional measures projected by MS indicate that EU Kyoto target can be met But l The majority of MS projections also indicate that national Burden Sharing targets will not be met

6 ECCP : principles and organisation Working groups - ET/flexible mechanisms - Transport - Agriculture…. ECCP steering committee Principles integration transparency stakeholder consultation group expertise build consensus Approach reduction potential cost-effective (20€/tCO2eq.) equity time frame &ancillary effects WG Report /conclusions / proposed measures

7 Reduction potential of GHG under cost- effectiveness aspects for sectors in EU until 2010 (including full implementation of the ACEA Agreement)

8 ECCP Results 1 st phase l Some 40 cost-effective policies and measures with an emission reduction potential of some 664 - 765 Mt CO 2 eq (± twice EU target) Overall costs for EU target in 2010: 3.7 € bn / 0.06 % of GDP hypothesis : maximum cost - effectiveness (EU/MS)

9 Communication 1 st phase ECCP l Emissions Trading l IPPC l JI/CDM link to ET l revision monitoring mechanism l minimum EE for end use products l energy demand management l CHP l EE public procurement l EE: campaign for take-off l shifting the balance between modes of transport l infrastructure use and charging l promotion bio-fuels l fluorinated gases Package of priority measures to be implemented in 2002/2003

10 Key elements of the ET proposal l Pre-Kyoto phase (2005-07) and Kyoto phase (2008-12) l Harmonised coverage of 5 major sectors across the internal market l Initial focus on CO 2 l Harmonised allocation method (free of charge in pre-Kyoto phase) l Allocated quantities determined by MS... l … and laid down in national allocation plans l Stringent financial penalties of at least € 50 / € 100 per tonne + automatic offset l Linking to other ET schemes and Kyoto mechanisms foreseen

11 Crunch issues in the negotiations Agreement in principle, debate on details l Temporal exclusion (up to 2007) l Unilateral extension l Pooling concept l Allocation method for 2008-12

12 ECCP 2 nd phase l Support and follow-up implementation of the measures identified in the first phase l new and continuation of working groups m JI/CDM - link with ET m Agriculture m Forest related sinks m sinks in agricultural soils m fluorinated gases

13 ECCP second phase l 4 working groups will deliver by Dec. 2002 /Jan. 2003 l first half 2003 : ECCP progress report m activities of working groups m stock taking on implementation of the 1st phase m forward looking (“plan of action”) : rnew policy proposals rnew initiatives? l ECCP seminar in Green Week (June 2003)

14 Coalition of the like Minded Countries The way forward on RE l Confirming and highlighting role of RES in SD l Setting ambitious RES targets and timetables l Milestones â 2003 Green Week â 2004 German World Conference on RE â Regional Workshops (?)

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