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WHS AP Psychology Course Overview: Syllabus and Calendar You don’t know syllabus.

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1 WHS AP Psychology Course Overview: Syllabus and Calendar You don’t know syllabus

2 Why are we here? To think like psychologists As David Myers says “to restrain intuition with critical thinking, judgmentalism with compassion, and illusion with understanding” (Sternberg, 1997).

3 Expectations We learn from each other so come ready to talk and play. If we aren’t laughing we aren’t learning. It isn’t about memorization; it’s about application. Come to class having read the assigned reading. Take notes. Your memory isn’t THAT good.

4 Policies WHS Handbook Late work – Late work is not accepted without a discussion with me after class. Late work left on my desk without a conversation will not be accepted. If, at any point in the course, you miss two assignments in a row, you will be assigned a detention after school for us to discuss your future in this course. Plagiarism – don’t do it. Attendance – do it.

5 Content Outlines Each unit has a certain number of tasks that you must accomplish. Each task should be a page in your concept map. –For example, Unit 1 has 9 tasks so you will have at least 9 pages for your concept mapping of unit 1. Each task is supported by a specific reading in the textbook and corresponds to specific date(s) on the calendar. Each task has italicized words that we call varsity terms and are highly likely to appear in both our unit tests and on the AP exam in May. Each unit has a list of varsity psychologists that you would also do well to know. These are your study guides for the unit exam and for the AP exam.

6 How do you prepare for AP Psych each day? Start with the calendar. Check the reading that is due and the Essential Task (ET) that we’ll be working on that day.

7 How do you prepare for AP Psych each day? Read the Essential Task –ET 1-1 Describe, compare. and contrast how different approaches to psychology explain behavior: psychoanalytic/psychodynamic, Gestalt, humanism and behaviorism cognitive, biological, evolutionary, and social as more contemporary approaches Now read the assigned reading with the PURPOSE of answering this task. Take notes or make a concept map as long as you are always trying to accomplish this task.

8 How do you prepare for AP Psych each day? Define all the italicized words (varsity terms), in your own words, as you read. Try to come up with real life examples of these terms. Bring your notes/concept map to class. If an italicized term was not in the reading, come to class expecting to learn about this term. Come to class with questions about examples that you need or things in the task that you just don’t get. Remember that a reading is due the day it is listed on the calendar.

9 Don’t waste your time. The average reading assignment for the month of September is 4.5 pages. DO NOT COME TO CLASS WITHOUT READING THE ASSIGNED READING. You waste your time. –Our demos don’t make sense. –The examples don’t make sense. –We don’t have a conversation. –We stop laughing. –You are lost. –You look lost.

10 Projects, grading and due dates Every project that we will do is listed in your syllabus. Every necessary direction that you will need is listed in your syllabus. READ THEM. Every grading rubric that will be used for those projects is listed in your syllabus. Every due date for every project is listed in your calendar. This will be your only reminder.

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