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Ministerio de Cultura Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística - DANE República de Colombia.

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Presentation on theme: "Ministerio de Cultura Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística - DANE República de Colombia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ministerio de Cultura Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística - DANE República de Colombia

2 CULTURE SATELLITE ACCOUNT Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia

3 Contents Introduction Expected outcomes Technical cooperation

4 Background Seminar The Third Face of the Coin, 1999 Economy and Culture Studies Phonographic Industry Cinematographic Industry Cultural Industries CONPES 3162/02 - Guidelines to the sustainability of the culture decennial plan 2001 - 2010 Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia

5 Definition Information tool derived from the National Account System (SCN) of the United Nations, in which the data related with an important sector is identified and organized, when that sector is not well defined and differentiated Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia

6 General purpose Build a continuous, reliable and comparable information system, to allow the economic evaluation and analysis of the cultural activities, and the public and private decision making Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia

7 Specific purposes Give structure and order to the economic information around cultural activities Share a panoramic vision of the culture sector Configure an instrument for the design and enforcement of public policies Produce information for the identification of strengths, potentials and weaknesses of the sector Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia

8 Coverage The economic registry that the cultural industries and activities reports to the SCN, the tax authorities, and other institutions Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia

9 Cultural industries and activities Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia Architecture Artistic education Performing arts Heritage Visual arts Crafts Papers Photography Advertising Radio Books Magazines Music Television Movies Video Software Cultural industries Artistic activities

10 Expected outcomes Production and income generation account Supply and demand equilibriums International commerce Non-market related variables Complementary system Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia

11 Production and income generation account Productive activity analysis for the determination of its relevance in the economic dynamics Production account: Production - Intermediate consumption = Value added Income generation account: Wages + Gross exploitation surplus + Taxes net of subsidies = Value added Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia

12 Supply and demand equilibriums Product by product analysis of the supply and demand behavior Supply and demand matrixes Use of other products in its production Imports of the product Usage of the product as part of the production chain of other products Exports of the product Household consumption Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia

13 International commerce Product by product consolidated commercial exchange analysis. Is a derivation of the supply and demand equilibriums Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia

14 Non-market related variables Product or activity analysis of its behavior trough its non-monetary variables Examples: Quantity of published books Quantity of printed books Quantity of sold books Quantity of showed movies Movie theater assistance Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia

15 Complementary system Complementary analysis based on the available data contained in the different sources, but is not part of the SCN Examples: Activity employment Establishments localization Employee qualification Genre distribution of the employment Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia

16 Background Second laboratory of social and economic indicators of the culture - Bogotá, December 2003 Transfer to the Chilean National Council of Culture and Arts and Central Bank- Valparaiso and Santiago, June 2004 Transfer to the Cuban Ministry of Culture - Bogotá, August 2004 Project CAB - BID - Bogotá, June to October 2005 Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia

17 Objectives Offer an adjusted solution to the regional information needs, taking in account its technical and budgetary constrains Enforce the information systems around the cultural industries in Latin America Identify the integration and coordination potentialities of the politics over the sustainable development of the cultural industries Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia

18 Formulation of a methodological handbook for the implementation of satellite accounts in Latin America Base document - SCN, Colombia and Chile Experts meetings Economy and Culture - 20th to 22nd of June Culture policies - 17th to 19th of August National Accounting - 26th 28th of October Final handbook Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia

19 Ministerio de Cultura Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística - DANE República de Colombia

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