Entrada: Las palabras opuestas [en el libro importante] Write each word and its opposite. Español 1 El 9 de abril de 2013 1.bonito 2.grande 3.derecha 4.peor.

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Presentation on theme: "Entrada: Las palabras opuestas [en el libro importante] Write each word and its opposite. Español 1 El 9 de abril de 2013 1.bonito 2.grande 3.derecha 4.peor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Entrada: Las palabras opuestas [en el libro importante] Write each word and its opposite. Español 1 El 9 de abril de 2013 1.bonito 2.grande 3.derecha 4.peor 5.alto 6.negro 7.ordenado 8.joven



4 D escription – essential qualities of a person (name, physical description) O ccupation – career or job C haracteristic – personality traits T ime – days, dates, & hours O rigin – where a person is from or what a things is made of R elationship – connections between people or with a higher power (religion)

5 P osition – physical position or posture of a person or thing L ocation – location of someone or something (except for events) A ction – ongoing action using the present progressive tense C ondition – physical & mental conditions E motion – how a person is feeling

6 Some adjectives can be used with both SER and ESTAR, but they have different meanings. ser aburrido– to be boring estar aburrido– to be bored ser cansado– to be a tiring person estar cansado– to be tired

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