Adjetivos y Pronombres Posesivos

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1 Adjetivos y Pronombres Posesivos
Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns Por: Señora Aguilera

2 Adjetivos vs. Pronombres
Adjectives – describe a noun (noun present) The red book. Pronouns – replace a noun (noun not present) The red one. Possessive Adj. – tells who owns it (with noun) My red book. Possessive Pron. – tells who owns it (without noun) My red one. Adjetivos vs. Pronombres

3 Revista de Adjetivos Posesivos
Singular Object/Person Plural Object/Person My Mi Mis Your Tu Tus His/Her/Your (Ud.) Su Sus Our Nuestro/a Nuestros/as Their Your (Uds.) Revista de Adjetivos Posesivos

4 Adjetivos posesivos (forma larga) & Pronombres Posesivos
Singular thing M Singular thing F Plural thing M Plural thing F Mine Mío Mía Míos Mías Yours Tuyo Tuya Tuyos tuyas His, hers, yours (Ud) Suyo Suya Suyos suyas Ours Nuestro Nuestra Nuestros Nuestras Theirs Suyas Yours (Uds.) Adjetivos posesivos (forma larga) & Pronombres Posesivos

5 How to use them… Adjectives – 2 ways Short form (before noun)
Es mi video. It is my video. Long form of Adj is more expressive and can be used when talking of special people. Es un video mío. (adj. after noun) It is a video of mine. Es una prima mía. (for special friend) She is a cousin of mine. Pronouns – use the long form of Adj and def. article (el, la, los, las) Es el mío. Son los míos. It is mine. They are mine. How to use them…

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