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Los adjetivos Agreement and Position. Agreement of adjectives: Remember, you have already learned that an adjective must agree with the noun/word it is.

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Presentation on theme: "Los adjetivos Agreement and Position. Agreement of adjectives: Remember, you have already learned that an adjective must agree with the noun/word it is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Los adjetivos Agreement and Position

2 Agreement of adjectives: Remember, you have already learned that an adjective must agree with the noun/word it is describing in 2 ways: In gender = masculine or feminine In number = singular or plural

3 Agreement of adjectives: Ella es muy _______(hard-working) trabajadora (f/s) Los pantalones son ______(brown). marrones (m/p) El vestido es ______(long) largo (m/s)

4 Position of adjectives: There are 2 types of adjectives: 1) Limiting adjectives: go BEFORE the noun; numbers – dos, cincuenta, etc. articles – un, el, los, unas, etc. possessives – mi, mis, tu, tus, etc. 2) Descriptive adjectives: Go AFTER the noun; colors – azul, rojo, etc. appearance – alto, rubio, feo, etc. personality – perezoso, inteligente, etc.

5 Position of adjectives: 1. a short, yellow pencil- un lápiz corto y amarillo 2. five expensive white dresses- cinco vestidos caros y blancos 3. my green socks- mis calcetines verdes 4. the three long, boring classes- las tres clases largas y aburridas

6 Position of adjectives: 5. a big shoe store- una zapatería grande 6. 14 rather nice students- catorce estudiantes bastante simpáticos 7. some small pink erasers- unas gomas pequeñas y rosadas 8. six blue folders- seis carpetas azules

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