Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Class : X Semester : 2 Class : X Semester : 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Class : X Semester : 2 Class : X Semester : 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Sukabumi @2011 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Sukabumi @2011 Class : X Semester : 2 Class : X Semester : 2

2 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Sukabumi @2011 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Sukabumi @2011 SC - BC STANDARD OF COMPETENCE 1. Enable students to understand transactional & interpersonal conversations in daily life contexts STANDARD OF COMPETENCE 1. Enable students to understand transactional & interpersonal conversations in daily life contexts BASIC COMPETENCY 1. Enable the students to express short-written functional language (announcement, advertisements, invitations, etc.) formal and informal situation using any written expression accurately, acceptably in their daily life context. BASIC COMPETENCY 1. Enable the students to express short-written functional language (announcement, advertisements, invitations, etc.) formal and informal situation using any written expression accurately, acceptably in their daily life context.

3 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Sukabumi @2011 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Sukabumi @2011 Achievement Indicators 1.Students are able to understand the message, 2.Students are able to respond the message, 3.Students are able to develop their own message, 4.Students are able to differ the any kinds of message LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students learn and understand more about written message and able to use it in their daily life.

4 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Sukabumi @2011 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Sukabumi @2011 LEARNING MATERIALS The new amusement park opened on June 1. It took five years to finish the park. Ever 1,000 people stood in line on opening day to experience the new rides and games. The park is open daily from 9-6. Clearance Sale! Saturday and Sunday only! 10:00 A.M – :00 P.M. All women’s clothing and shoes are on saleMateri

5 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Sukabumi @2011 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Sukabumi @2011 1 Buy your tickets now for the season. Prices range from $10 - $110 per game. There are games twice every day from Friday through Sunday. The afternoon starting time is at 2:00 P.M. and the night starting time is at 7:00 P.M. 2 We will close Anand’s Restaurant in Cramath duri ng the month of May for repairs. Visit our other location on Bhayangkara Avenue in Sukabumich. Join us on July 1 for the GRAND REOPENINGMateri

6 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Sukabumi @2011 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Sukabumi @2011 What is the notice about? a.A movie theater b.An airline schedule c.The weekly TV schedule d.Tickets for a sport events e.A fantasy night season ticket How much does a ticket cost? a.About $ 100 b.Less then $10 c.More than $110 d.Between $2 and $7 e.Depends on the time you buy When can you see a game? a.Every day of the week. b.Every Saturday afternoon c.On Friday and Sunday only d.On Monday through Thursday e.On Friday, Saturdays, and Sundays Why is this sigh posted? a.To sell a business b.To show a new menu c.To open a new restaurant d.To advertise a new supermarket To announce that one restaurant will be closed What will happen on July 1? a.Anand’s restaurant will be closed b.Repairs will begin c.The restaurant in Cramath will open again d.The restaurant in Sukabumich will close for repairs e.The grand opening of the new restaurant Latihan Soal

7 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Sukabumi @2011 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Sukabumi @2011 Uji Kompetensi Competence

8 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Sukabumi @2011 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Sukabumi @2011 Isikan referensi /sumber : buku paket, internet, LKS disini Referensi

9 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Sukabumi @2011 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Sukabumi @2011 Penyususun & Editor PENYUSUN Nama:ANANG,M.Pd Institusi:SMA Negeri 3 Kota Sukabumi Blog:

10 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Sukabumi @2011 Bahan Ajar SMAN 3 Sukabumi @2011Penutup

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