Secretary President Co-Chairs Webmaster Vice President Marketing Chair Marketing Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Secretary President Co-Chairs Webmaster Vice President Marketing Chair Marketing Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:


2 Secretary President Co-Chairs Webmaster Vice President Marketing Chair Marketing Coordinator

3  Hopkins Groups  Creating and Evaluating Position Descriptions  Opening groups to new ideas and people  Key Resources  Transition Goals  Trainings/Retreats  Characteristics of high performing organizations  Getting organized

4  Student User Guide  Homepage  About us  News  Events  Photo Gallery  Documents  Forms  Service Hours  Elections  Manage

5  Updating your Primary  Maintaining Positions  Inviting members  Prospective/Pending members  Changing officer titles Wise duck says… Don’t forget to check your “Maintain Roster” page for new members who are requesting to join your group.

6  Who are your leaders?  Clearly outline:  Responsibilities  Minimum qualifications  Key event/training commitments  Office hours  Evaluate your model for officer selection  Election  Selection  Hybrid Approach Wise duck says… Fill out your Officer Transition Report Worksheet, located in your Officer Transition binder.

7  Define your organizations commitment to diversity  The importance of getting new people involved  Set goals to recruit a diverse membership  Do not restrict group from diverse leadership though rigid eligibility requirements that can be limiting Wise duck says… For a complete list of JHU officer requirements visit our website for the Student Organization Handbook.

8  Student Organization Handbook  Event Planning Handbook  Office of Student Activities Staff Wise duck says… Check out our contact list of important JHU offices/services located in your Officer Transition binder. Jason Heiserman Director,Student Activities Jolle Davis Financial Coordinator, Student Activities Jillian Rickerd Administrative Assistant, Student Activities

9  Make a statement!  Core values  Purpose  Vision  Mission  Goals  Action Steps Wise duck says… Fill out the Maintaining Continuity: Transition Questions worksheet located in your Officer Transition binder.

10  Individual group summer retreats  Hopkins 100  Financial Training  Presidential Training  Senior Leadership Consultants Wise duck says… Always keep your members emails up-to-date that way we can contact you for trainings, retreats and Activities Fairs!

11  Develop a strong leadership team  Evaluate position descriptions, evaluate your model of selection  Attract and retain quality people  Open positions to new ideas and people  Adopt a disciplined approach to business  Plan a minimum of 2meetings to set your goals for new officers  Make strategic use of technology  Use group binders or share information through Google Sites Departing duck says… Don’t forget to give ALL passwords and budget information to new officers!

12  Information for your group binder/Google Doc.  Your group’s mission statement  Constitution/Bylaws  Historical Perspective of your group  Agenda and minutes  Resources Wise duck says… Creating a constitution is easy with the Student Activities Constitution generator!

13  Budget  Advertising  Scheduling Rooms Wise duck says… Do you know your budget number? Get it NOW from outgoing officers and put it in your phone.

14  Technology  Frequently used vendors  Calendar Wise duck says… Highly effective groups are always highly organized groups!

15  Now its time for you to take action, use the information from this presentation and begin the process of transitioning. Your group is looking at you to lead. So step up, get organized and get crackin! Tru dat. Young duck says…

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