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THE VALUES, THE VISION, THE MISSION OF THE SCHOOL To take care of the person fostering an active, critical and effective learning among the European citizens.

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Presentation on theme: "THE VALUES, THE VISION, THE MISSION OF THE SCHOOL To take care of the person fostering an active, critical and effective learning among the European citizens."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE VALUES, THE VISION, THE MISSION OF THE SCHOOL To take care of the person fostering an active, critical and effective learning among the European citizens.

2 Fostering an active and critical learning  Exerting the right role in order to help the students to arrange their own learning critically;  fostering the active research attitude in learning;  fostering a conscious participation to the school activities;  educating the future citizens;  making young people conscious of our society historical roots;

3 To take care of the languages  To let the students acquire the information language skill as a source of information and communication and as a support to the teaching/learning action;  To develop the knowledge of the different languages and the critical use of the instruments;

4 To take care of the person  Affermare la centralità delle persone che apprendono;  promuovere pienamente la persona umana favorendo un clima positivo di relazione e di confronto;  riconoscere e tenere conto della diversità di ognuno in ognuno momento della vita scolastica;  prestare attenzione alla situazione specifica di ogni alunno per definire e attuare le strategie più adatte alla sua crescita.

5 To take care of territory  Taking care of the territory resources from the historical,artistical, economic and social popint of view;  achieving forms of collaboration with Bodies, Institutions and experts;  awakening students to territory problems increasing their awareness of being citizens.

6 OPENING TO EUROPE AND TO INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT  Assuring the students the possibility to open their minds to the international comparison;  Ricognizing value and dignity to the different traditions and cultures.

7 Taking care of efficacy  Supporting the renewed teachers’ professionalism as learning professional organizers evaluating the results;  pledging a new relationship with the working world through the recognition within the curricula, the effectiveness and the work awareness;  Strengthening the autonomous school management in order to achieve the public educational system aims.

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