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Unit 5 On the farm Miduqiao Primary School Sun Xiafen.

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1 Unit 5 On the farm Miduqiao Primary School Sun Xiafen

2 /t/ /d/ /Id/ Find friends
⑴tasted ⑵watched ⑶watered ⑷visited ⑸pulled ⑹collected ⑺picked (8)danced ⑼played ⑽needed ⑾listened ⑿washed /t/ /d/ /Id/ ⑵ watched ⑶ watered ⑷ visited ⑺ picked ⑸ pulled ⑹ collected ⑻ danced ⑼ played ⑽ needed ⑿ washed ⑾ listened ⑴ tasted

3 What did you do last weekend?
(助动词 do does 的过去式) I cleaned my room.

4 What did you do last weekend? What else did you do?
did homework played table tennis went shopping watched TV listened to music washed clothes visited friends cooked food

5 Guess,what did … do last weekend?
He … listened to music. carrot cow cat now She … washed clothes. They … went to a farm.

6 What can we do on the farm?
pull up carrots You can collect eggs water flowers milk cows pick oranges

7 What did he\she do on the farm?
collected eggs pulled up carrots watered flowers milked cows picked oranges

8 milked cows collected eggs picked oranges pulled up carrots watered trees

9 Last weekend, Helen went to a _____ with her family
Last weekend, Helen went to a _____ with her family. On the farm, Helen ______ and _____. Mike _________. Helen’s father __________. Her mother _______.There were very _____.

10 Tips:1、整体理解句子 2、找到时间状语或关键词。 Fill in the blanks.
1.– What _____(do)your sister do last night? - She ______(listen) to music. 2. -What _____(do)your brother usually do on Sundays? - He usually _____(play) football. 3. David _____(have) a hamburger this morning. 4. The boys ______ (collect) eggs a moment ago. did listened does plays had collected Tips:1、整体理解句子 2、找到时间状语或关键词。

11 根据所给的第一句话进行连贯地表达,说满10句结束。
Brain Storm 句子接龙游戏: 根据所给的第一句话进行连贯地表达,说满10句结束。 Last weekend, I was at home

12 My last weekend Last Sunday I was at home. In the morning, I did some housework first. I cleaned my room and watered flowers. At about nine o’clock, I visited my friend,Miss Xu. Then we went shopping together. At twelve o’clock, we had lunch in KFC. After lunch, we watched a new film. We liked the film very much. In the evening, Miss Xu cooked a lot of nice food. We were very happy.

13 Homework: 1.Copy the new phrases.
2.Write a short passage about your last weekend.

14 时间状语有: last week last year, last night, yesterday , just now ,
一般过去时表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态。 时间状语有: last week last year, last night, yesterday , just now , a moment ago …

15 My last weekend It was my friend, Miss Su’s birthday last Sunday. In the morning, I did some housework first. I cleaned my room and watered flowers. At about nine o’clock, I visited Miss Su. Then we went shopping together. At twelve o’clock, we had lunch in KFC. After lunch, we watched a new film. We liked the film very much. In the evening, Miss Su cooked a lot of nice food. Our friends had a birthday party for her. We were very happy.

16 What do you want to do on the farm?
I want to… collect eggs pull up carrots water flowers milk cows pick oranges

17 My last weekend It was my friend, Miss Su’s birthday last Saturday. In the morning, I did some housework first. I cleaned my room and watered flowers. At about nine o’clock, I visited Miss Su. Then we went shopping together. At twelve o’clock, we had lunch in KFC. After lunch, we watched a new film. We liked the film very much. In the evening, Miss Su cooked a lot of nice food. Our friends had a birthday party for her. We were very happy. cleaned watered visited watched liked cooked

18 一般过去式 写法规则: 1、通常+ ed 2、以e结尾+d 3、辅+y结尾,把y变i+ed 4、辅元辅,独立发音(即重读闭音节),双写 最后一个字母+ed 5、不规则的要记忆 读音规则:一、清则清 ,读/t/ 二、浊或元音后,读/d/ 三、以/t/ /d/结尾,读/Id/

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