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Models, Structures and Strategies in Student Affairs and Services THEME Sachin Suknunan.

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Presentation on theme: "Models, Structures and Strategies in Student Affairs and Services THEME Sachin Suknunan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Models, Structures and Strategies in Student Affairs and Services THEME Sachin Suknunan

2 Research based evidence and interventions in Student Affairs and Services- towards enhancing service delivery based on empirical evidence from students

3 To highlight the prospect of ‘Research’ as an effective informer of Strategy in Student Affairs and Services

4  If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it? Albert Einstein QUOTE

5  Challenges/problems exist in all sectors  Universities are no exception  Within these large entities (universities) are critical Divisions– ‘Student Affairs/Services”

6 CChallenges/Problems experienced by students in relation to quality, effectiveness and efficiency of Service Delivery by Student Affairs and Services are often based on hearsay and unsubstantial reasoning. CChallenges/Problems can be heard and documented but not addressed NNot addressed in the right way NNot conclusive enough RRESEARCH APPROACH

7 We Need to consider the possibility of Research-based interventions --> Strategies

8  What do we understand by Research? Knowledge then Informs Strategy

9  Stimulate the minds of the key players in Student Affairs and Services to consider the possibilities of integrating research into their strategies and models  Inform both pro-active and reactive strategies  Make interventions to counter and address various challenges based on evidential findings.  Focus on addressing problems that are being experienced by students in relation to service delivery and quality---based on Research

10  To understand what challenges are being experienced by students in relation to Student Affairs and Services  To promote strategies and interventions based on this statistical evidence  To become Proactive as opposed to just Reactive  Solve Problems

11  Just as how one applies research techniques to academic studies, the same can be applied to Student Affairs and Services.  Define the problem  Generate objectives  Gauge the views of the students regarding:  The type/s of problem/s they are experiencing  The root/cause of the problem  Negative impacts caused by the problem  The recommendation to solve the problem- from students perspective

12  Online questionnaires ▪ Pay-per service (Questionpro) ▪ Free (Google Docs) and confidential ▪ Flexible and scalable in design ▪ Easy to use ▪ Easy to deploy ▪ Pivotal in obtaining necessary information from students regarding problems and challenges experienced in service delivery


14 Client Evaluation Systems

15  Electronic System of capturing detailed Client Feedback  Obtain a detailed idea of how your services are being received/rated  See your service from the eyes of the client


17 Correlation analysis - assess relationships between variables (responses) Regression analysis - delve deeper into correlation of the variables namely looking at the influence of independent variables on dependent variables Predictive analytics – testing possible outcomes based on applying the variables to variables Factor analysis- identify the underlying patterns of correlation and establish items/factors that are closely related. Services of a Statistician/Qualified staff/ PHD or Masters student assistants


19 Challenges experienced in one area could affect another area E.G  Financial challenges VS Residence challenges  Student Health challenges VSFinancial Aid challenges  Food security challenges VS Student Health challenges  Transportation challenges VS Residence challenges

20  Predictive analytics – testing possible outcomes “Does it solve the problem or not” - Applying ‘test’ interventions and predicting outcome– “Does it solve the problem or not” - Predict future challenges/problems based on current on responses  Relevant to all departments: - Residence - Support - Health - Funding  Inform a pro-active strategy

21  Responses show that there are 5000 students that have transport problems that prevents them from getting to University  Intervention: Develop a Transport Model based on feedback and predict the outcome.  Variables:  What will be the mode of Transportation, Route  What ratio will students pay and institutions’ subsidise e.g 50:50, 60:40 etc  Will students want to pay for the transport up front or Will students prefer the subsidy for the cost of Transport be subsidised into their Student fees.

22  Test all variables using predictive analytics through further research and evaluate the outcomes.  Solution:  A bus, running to Central CBD at Approximately, 7.00AM and 5.00PM, making 5 stops.  Cost of Running bus= 60:40 ratio of payment, factored into Student fees.  60% of 5000 Students can now attend Campus

23  Identify key factors affecting Students in relation to Student Affairs (per department) Examples.  Not enough transport  Poor security at Residences  Poor service at Health Services  Service Quality problems etc etc  Why?

24  Concrete findings from responses  Responses will provide statistics  Statistics will provide new knowledge  Knowledge can inform more effective strategies and interventions  Effective interventions and Strategies can promote improvement, quality and development  Other discoveries through Research

25  Some interventions can be made by the Department/ Division…whilst some can’t….  Inform the Executive Management of Challenges Experienced and help needed by providing Research based Evidence……

26  Universities in developed Countries ▪ University of Utah ▪ University of San – Diego ▪ University of Nebraska ▪ University of North Carolina  Variety of benefits

27  More informed interventions and strategies in Student Affairs  Pro-active  Ability to identify critical areas of improvement  Enhanced quality of Service  More informed decision-making  Improved and effective responsiveness to challenges  Happy / Satisfied Students  Continuous improvement

28  Relevant Ethical Clearance to be obtained from respective Institution  Confidentiality

29  Universities in South Africa should be moving more towards a research based type of strategy as a means of continuous improvement and total quality management from a Student Affairs and Services perspective.

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