© 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice Performance & Availability Lifecycle.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice Performance & Availability Lifecycle."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice Performance & Availability Lifecycle Recorded on July 10, 2008 Sanjay Anne HP Software, Product Marketing

2 Agenda Performance & Availability Lifecycle Why is it important? Why is it hard to achieve? How does it help QA/Test and Ops teams? Customer example 11 December 2014

3 Performance & Availability Lifecycle (PAL) What? −Managing performance and availability in both pre- production and production How? −By integrating testing and monitoring solutions to drive efficiency, mitigate risk, and reduce costs Deployment −Use best practices created by HP Software Services to deploy

4 Why is it important? Run Load Tests Record Business Processes Deploy and Monitor Record Business Processes Testing Operations “86% of IT projects experience performance problems when first put in production” Gartner Performance Requirements?

5 Why is it hard to achieve? SOA, Shared Services, Web 2.0, Enterprise 2.0 New and Agile Business Capabilities Business Services ? CRMOperationse-Commerce Finance Increasing complexity Increasing time and cost pressures CIO Failur e Distributed and Offshore teams Integrated business processes

6 PAL scenarios – attributes of a real- time enterprise Monitor and Optimize Reuse Business Process Scripts Test and Optimize Record Business Process Scripts Bidirectional Asset Reuse TESTINGOPERATIONS Leverage Real User Information in Pre-Production Reuse Business Processes Scripts/SLAs from Testing in Production Unified Diagnostics New application deployment Continuous improvement (Hot packs, fixes etc) Major upgrades

7 Leverage operational information HP Performance and Availability Lifecycle includes: HP Performance Center software HP LoadRunner software HP Business Availability Center software −HP End User Management software HP Business Process Monitor HP Real User Monitor HP Diagnostics software HP Performance Center Implementation Service software 712/11/2014 Linking pre-production and production teams

8 Key differences when going live… QA Environment Objective is to establish the breaking points of the application Confined to the QA environment No access restrictions Known data sets Dummy data All operations are fair game Clean environment Consistent network Not an audited environment Production Objective is to ensure the service doesn’t break Global Scope Location/Time restrictions Chaotic user defined data Information security requirements Some things cannot be touched Noisy environment Network varies by time & user Auditing is common 12/11/2014

9 Performance and Availability Lifecycle Process MONITORING AND OPTIMIZATION Build Test Scripts & Scenarios Plan Capacity Gather Performance Requirements Diagnose Root Cause & Optimize Run Performance Tests Detect and Isolate Problems Develop Monitoring Strategy Diagnose Root Cause & Optimize Gather Performance Requirements Monitor App and Infrastructure Build Monitoring Scripts TESTING AND OPTIMIZATION Validate Results OPTIMIZE BUSINESS OUTCOMES Development Performance Engineer Quality Assurance Operations Performance Engineer Application Support Deploy Bidirectional Script Reuse Go No-Go Reuse Business Processes Scripts/SLAs from Testing in Production

10 Performance and Availability Lifecycle Process MONITORING AND OPTIMIZATION Build Test Scripts & Scenarios Plan Capacity Gather Performance Requirements Diagnose Root Cause & Optimize Run Performance Tests Detect and Isolate Problems Develop Monitoring Strategy Diagnose Root Cause & Optimize Gather Performance Requirements Monitor App and Infrastructure Build Monitoring Scripts TESTING AND OPTIMIZATION Validate Results OPTIMIZE BUSINESS OUTCOMES Development Performance Engineer Quality Assurance Operations Performance Engineer Application Support Deploy Bidirectional Script Reuse Go No-Go Store and retrieve Test Scripts & Scenarios 12/11/2014 Reuse Business Processes Scripts/SLAs from Testing in Production

11 Define SLA’s to a load test

12 Generate point & click scripts

13 With powerful scripting capabilities

14 1411 December 2014 Broadest environment support PROTOCOLS ERP/CRM SAP Oracle Siebel PeopleSoft Web SOA HTTP(S) Web 2.0 Citrix ICA WAP Middleware EJBs CORBA COM RMI MQSeries Databases Oracle MS SQLServer DB2 ODBC Legacy 3270 5250 VT100 Load Balancer Web Server Application Servers Database NetworkController Load Generators Vusers US Europe Windows Unix Linux SNMP WAN Emulation MS IIS iPlanet Apache BEA WebLogic IBM WebSphere ATG Dynamo iPlanet App Server EJB JDBC JSP Sitraka JMonitor Oracle MSSQL Server DB2 Oracle 11i Siebel SAP J2EE.NET Diagnostics Monitors Operating Systems NetworkWeb ServersApp ServersJavaDatabases

15 Performance and Availability Lifecycle Process MONITORING AND OPTIMIZATION Build Test Scripts & Scenarios Plan Capacity Gather Performance Requirements Diagnose Root Cause & Optimize Run Performance Tests Detect and Isolate Problems Develop Monitoring Strategy Diagnose Root Cause & Optimize Gather Performance Requirements Monitor App and Infrastructure Build Monitoring Scripts TESTING AND OPTIMIZATION Validate Results OPTIMIZE BUSINESS OUTCOMES Development Performance Engineer Quality Assurance Operations Performance Engineer Application Support Deploy Bidirectional Script Reuse Go No-Go Store and retrieve Monitoring Scripts

16 Save time creating monitors Reuse Test Scripts for Business Process Monitoring

17 Performance and Availability Lifecycle Process MONITORING AND OPTIMIZATION Build Test Scripts & Scenarios Plan Capacity Gather Performance Requirements Diagnose Root Cause & Optimize Run Performance Tests Detect and Isolate Problems Develop Monitoring Strategy Diagnose Root Cause & Optimize Gather Performance Requirements Monitor App and Infrastructure Build Monitoring Scripts TESTING AND OPTIMIZATION Validate Results OPTIMIZE BUSINESS OUTCOMES Development Performance Engineer Quality Assurance Operations Performance Engineer Application Support Deploy Bidirectional Script Reuse Go No-Go Capture Real User Scripts & Scenarios for reuse Leverage Real User Information in Pre-Production

18 What can be learned in production? Individual behavior Slow operations Odd data Navigation paths Error creation Group behavior Usage loads Common paths Abandonment metrics Under/Unutilized areas User set/group idiosyncrasies Infrastructure behavior Utilization Topology Relations to user loads Shared services Application logic Topology flows Slow methods/functions Bottlenecks Utilization norms between test and production

19 Day one monitoring Understand user experience to ensure service levels

20 Create SLA definitions based on production data

21 Performance and Availability Lifecycle Process MONITORING AND OPTIMIZATION Build Test Scripts & Scenarios Plan Capacity Gather Performance Requirements Diagnose Root Cause & Optimize Run Performance Tests Detect and Isolate Problems Develop Monitoring Strategy Diagnose Root Cause & Optimize Gather Performance Requirements Monitor App and Infrastructure Build Monitoring Scripts TESTING AND OPTIMIZATION Validate Results OPTIMIZE BUSINESS OUTCOMES Development Performance Engineer Quality Assurance Operations Performance Engineer Application Support Deploy Bidirectional Script Reuse Go No-Go Capture Real User Scripts & Scenarios for reuse Leverage Real User Information in Pre-Production

22 Closed-loop integration with Operations

23 Identify critical business processes Specify data for accuracy

24 Manage what really matters

25 Deliver actionable information

26 Manage by actionable information

27 Create scenarios from production data Data used to create scenarios: What are the most used BPs? How many users per BP?

28 Generate test scripts from Real-User Monitoring Create Scripts from Production data: What does a user do during session?

29 Performance and Availability Lifecycle Process MONITORING AND OPTIMIZATION Build Test Scripts & Scenarios Plan Capacity Gather Performance Requirements Diagnose Root Cause & Optimize Run Performance Tests Detect and Isolate Problems Develop Monitoring Strategy Diagnose Root Cause & Optimize Gather Performance Requirements Monitor App and Infrastructure Build Monitoring Scripts TESTING AND OPTIMIZATION Validate Results OPTIMIZE BUSINESS OUTCOMES Development Performance Engineer Quality Assurance Operations Performance Engineer Application Support Deploy Bidirectional Script Reuse Go No-Go Collaboration to decrease Time to Resolution Unified Diagnostics

30 Unified Diagnostics in pre-production and production

31 Performance and Availability Lifecycle Process MONITORING AND OPTIMIZATION Build Test Scripts & Scenarios Plan Capacity Gather Performance Requirements Diagnose Root Cause & Optimize Run Performance Tests Detect and Isolate Problems Develop Monitoring Strategy Diagnose Root Cause & Optimize Gather Performance Requirements Monitor App and Infrastructure Build Monitoring Scripts TESTING AND OPTIMIZATION Validate Results OPTIMIZE BUSINESS OUTCOMES Development Performance Engineer Quality Assurance Operations Performance Engineer Application Support Deploy Bidirectional Script Reuse Go No-Go Capture Real User Scripts & Scenarios for reuse Store and retrieve Test Scripts & Scenarios Store and retrieve Monitoring Scripts Collaboration to decrease Time to Resolution

32 Performance and Availability Lifecycle Process MONITORING AND OPTIMIZATION Build Test Scripts & Scenarios Plan Capacity Gather Performance Requirements Diagnose Root Cause & Optimize Run Performance Tests Detect and Isolate Problems Develop Monitoring Strategy Diagnose Root Cause & Optimize Gather Performance Requirements Monitor App and Infrastructure Build Monitoring Scripts TESTING AND OPTIMIZATION Validate Results OPTIMIZE BUSINESS OUTCOMES Development Performance Engineer Quality Assurance Operations Performance Engineer Application Support Deploy Bidirectional Script Reuse Go No-Go Capture Real User Scripts & Scenarios for reuse Store and retrieve Test Scripts & Scenarios Store and retrieve Monitoring Scripts Collaboration to decrease Time to Resolution

33 Value proposition For organizations who: −Want to collaborate across IT silos −Want to optimize IT efficiency through bi-directional use of requirements, assets, people, and information. −Responsible for overall delivery of the application and infrastructure to support business processes −Realize Performance is “not” a one time event but a cyclical process that is held captive by the dynamic nature of applications. Increase IT efficiency with requirements and script reuse 2 Mitigate risk with testing and monitoring 1 Increase collaboration to accelerate time to resolution 3 Optimize Service Performance 4

34 Customer example: SAP BW Rollout Customer Goals: 300 concurrent users, <20 second reports Baseline Situation: Scalability to only 90 users DateActionResult 2/14Engagement start 2/22-3/3Set-upInstall monitors, script, set-up test accounts 3/3Calibration run90 concurrent user baseline 60 second report retrieval 3/4- 4/2910 iterative tuning cyclesPresentation, application and db layers are isolated and tested Scalability improves to 264 users Customer trained on best practices 5/31-6/30Project extendedScalability hits 300 users Response times for critical reports drop to 15- 30 seconds 7/1-10/1Ongoing monitoring11 business processes re-used for end-user monitoring and health checks

35 SAP project: issues identified 1. Presentation Layer: −Spawning would improve performance (CPU/Memory/Capacity OK) 2. BW Layer: −Change Load Balancing schema −Update service packs −Optimize batch scheduling −Reconfigure memory settings (after upgrade) 3. Oracle DB Layer: −Update for Oracle 9i configurations −Remove STAR_TRANSFORMATION hint from the BW queries −Increase Redo Log file

36 SAP project: response time improvement Support pack implementation

37 City of Boston Bridging the application life-cycle David Nero, Director of Enterprise Applications “If we have a performance or availability issue, even if it’s only once a quarter, the perception of the end user is ‘the system doesn’t work.’ We need to be proactive and prevent issues from becoming visible to users.” ChallengeSolutionResults Need to improve customers perception of application availability Lack visibility into IT infrastructure and end users experience Improve customer experience Need to scale and ensure IT is not the bottleneck HP Business Availability Center Business Process Monitor Service Level Management Service Availability Management HP Loadrunner Improved end user perceptions of system availability Improved business process availability and performance to 10x faster than expected Leverage assets between pre and post production Foundation in place for driving improved performance and accountability 24x7 11 December 2014 37

38 Why HP? Complete lifecycle solution −Bi-directional script reuse −Unified Diagnostics support for both pre-production and production Market leader in key aspects of lifecycle −Pre-deployment testing, monitoring and diagnostics Comprehensive and flexible service offerings −Consulting, Education, Support and Managed Services Mitigate risk Optimize application performance

39 1. Lifecycle must start with clear business requirements 2. Testing must be done based on actual production measures 3. An accurate view of service level must be measured and monitored “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it” - Dave Packard Summary Without it IT cannot set, test, measure, or deliver on expectations Without it Quality will suffer Without it Service degradation is inevitable

40 More information HP Performance and Availability Lifecycle Webinar (recorded 9/19/07) www.hp.com/go/hpswpalwebinar www.hp.com/go/hpswpalwebinar −Learn how you can integrate HP LoadRunner, HP End User Management and HP diagnostics software to: Reduce risk to new application rollouts and upgrades Streamline the testing cycle so you can run more tests and resolve problems prior to production Automate test script and scenario creation HP Software-as-a-Service: www.hp.com/go/saaswww.hp.com/go/saas Register for live or on-demand HP Software Web Events - www.hp.com/go/HPSoftwarewebevents www.hp.com/go/HPSoftwarewebevents Get white papers and more at the HP Software Download Center - www.hp.com/go/dlc www.hp.com/go/dlc Get more on HP Software - www.hp.com/softwarewww.hp.com/software

41 © 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice

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