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Presentation on theme: "PROPAGANDA PROJECT JOE PAPERMAKER MR. GARDNER ENGLISH 9-3 6 MAY 2013."— Presentation transcript:


2 AMP ENERGY DRINK S: Subject Here, you’d give a detailed explanation of what you see in the ad. O:Occasion What is going on in society that might be reflected in this ad? What does this suggest society values? A: Audience To whom is this ad targeted? Be specific! No ad is ever targeted at everyone. P: Purpose What action is this ad wanting us to take? What mental connection is this ad wanting us to make? Notice that my SOAPS$Tone may take up multiple slides… yet I keep the image on each slide!

3 AMP ENERGY DRINK Notice that my SOAPS$Tone may take up multiple slides… yet I keep the image on each slide! S: Structure Here, explain the propaganda techniques being used (slogans, powerful images, loaded words, repetition, appeals to fears, appeals to wants/desires/ needs) $: Transaction Who benefits when the audience does what this ad wants? How do they benefit? Tone: What atmosphere, attitude or tone does this ad convey? Is it humorous, aspirational, inspirational, satirical, saddening, maddening…?

4 AMP: ANALYSIS PARAGRAPH This ad for AMP energy drinks is using a powerful image to appeal to young men’s desire to be extreme risk-takers. The magazine ad shows a snowboarder who has supposedly taken a jump so high that he ends up as high as an airplane. The background shows the tops of clouds, and in the foreground is the wing and engine of a plane. In the middle of the photo is the powerful image: the snowboarder doing an upside-down 360 heel-grab kind of maneuver right above the wing tip. This powerful image implies a story about this snowboarder, and tries to make the reader think that drinking AMP energy drinks can make a person achieve this kind of extreme maneuver. The image is powerful because, for one, it is unrealistic, so it exaggerates what any human could possibly do. That directly appeals to the desire that many young men have to be an extreme risk-taker and achieve things that no one else thinks are possible. A powerful image is used because it can communicate the snowboarder’s story without having to use words, and the message can be communicated quickly and without the reader really having to think too deeply about it. The makers of the image don’t expect their audience to be thinking too deeply, but the still want the reader to connect the story to the product.

5 ADIDAS SPORTSWEAR S: Subject Here, you’d give a detailed explanation of what you see in the ad. O:Occasion What is going on in society that might be reflected in this ad? What does this suggest society values? A: Audience To whom is this ad targeted? Be specific! No ad is ever targeted at everyone. P: Purpose What action is this ad wanting us to take? What mental connection is this ad wanting us to make? Notice that my SOAPS$Tone may take up multiple slides… yet I keep the image on each slide!

6 ADIDAS SPORTSWEAR Notice that my SOAPS$Tone may take up multiple slides… yet I keep the image on each slide! S: Structure Here, explain the propaganda techniques being used (slogans, powerful images, loaded words, repetition, appeals to fears, appeals to wants/desires/ needs) $: Transaction Who benefits when the audience does what this ad wants? How do they benefit? Tone: What atmosphere, attitude or tone does this ad convey? Is it humorous, aspirational, inspirational, satirical, saddening, maddening…?

7 ADIDAS: ANALYSIS PARAGRAPH Adidas uses several kinds of repetition in this ad in order to appeal to the desire that teenagers and younger adults might have to be athletic and popular. The magazine ad has four pictures: the two in the left hand column are of NBA player Derrick Rose in action on the court, while the two in the right hand column are of pop singer Katy Perry posing for the camera. Across Rose’s pictures is the statement “all d rose” and across Perry’s is “all katy.” This ad uses repetition by showing two images of each person, as well as by repeating the word “all,” and finally by the repetition of the logo and font style of the “adidas” brand. By including multiple views of each famous person, and by repeating the word “all,” the ad is communicating that their brand can fit in “all” parts of the reader’s life, not just sports. The reader sees Rose in two different moments of play: sizing up a shot and aggressively handling the ball. The reader also sees Perry in two poses: looking strongly into the camera in a beauty shot, and then also in what looks like a yoga pose. This repetition, along with the word “all,” makes the reader think that adidas clothes are a product that would be for all different types of situations and all different types of people—including the reader him or herself. However, the connection that adidas also wants the reader to make is that if they choose adidas, they will also be part of the same group as people like Katy Perry or D. Rose. Younger adults generally desire being athletic (represented by Rose) and popular (represented by Perry), so the use of these repeated ideas and images is an attempt to make this connection for the reader.

8 Link: RAM TRUCKS S: Structure Here, explain the propaganda techniques being used (slogans, powerful images, loaded words, repetition, appeals to fears, appeals to wants/desires/ needs) $: Transaction Who benefits when the audience does what this ad wants? How do they benefit? Tone: What atmosphere, attitude or tone does this ad convey? Is it humorous, aspirational, inspirational, satirical, saddening, maddening…? S: Subject Here, you’d give a detailed explanation of what you see in the ad. O:Occasion What is going on in society that might be reflected in this ad? What does this suggest society values? A: Audience To whom is this ad targeted? Be specific! No ad is ever targeted at everyone. P: Purpose What action is this ad wanting us to take? What mental connection is this ad wanting us to make?

9 RAM TRUCKS: ANALYSIS PARAGRAPH This ad for Ram trucks uses loaded words to appeal to a man's desire to be tough, powerful, and competitive. The thirty-second commercial tells the simple story of a Ram pickup lumbering powerfully up a dusty, desert hillside until it reaches the very top of the ridge. In the background, quiet and somewhat ominous music plays as the truck kicks up dust in its bumpy climb. Throughout the ad, a narrator speaks in a deep, masculine tone. He says "Tenacity, plated in chrome. Determination, covered in mud. Fight, firing on six cylinders." Then, at the end of the ad, the words "Guts, Glory," and "Ram" are both spoken and visible. Finally, the ad closes by reminding the viewer that this particular truck was named the 2013 "Truck of the Year." The loaded words "tenacity," "determination" and "fight" are spoken as the viewer watches the truck climb this hill, which makes the reader associate this product with the strength and power that those words communicate. Ram's audience is men ranging in age from late teens to mid forties, since this groups is often concerned with toughness and strength. Tenacity, determination, fight, and being the best (which the "Truck of the Year" award identifies) are valued personality traits that Ram Trucks wants the viewer to believe will be part of the target audience's personality if he chooses this product.

10 NOTE… THIS IS AN EXAMPLE! For yours, you would need a total of five ads!


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