Bell Work Read employment article Being an MVP at Work. Be prepared to discuss the article and explain the key points and understanding appropriate workplace.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work Read employment article Being an MVP at Work. Be prepared to discuss the article and explain the key points and understanding appropriate workplace."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work Read employment article Being an MVP at Work. Be prepared to discuss the article and explain the key points and understanding appropriate workplace success factors. Questions: 1. What factors must an employee demonstrate to experience workplace success? 2. Why are these workplace standards important? 3. In a competitive business environment, company managers will typically expect more than the bare minimum level of performance from staff members. Why? 4. What advice would you give to a new staff member at the company you work for?


3 Standards BMS 3.3 – Practice employability skills required for business management and administrative services careers BMS 3.3.1 – Identify factors contributing to success in business BMS 3.3.2 – Identify work ethics and behavior BMS 3.3.3 – Identify steps in resigning from a position BMS 3.3.5 – Describe and explain the importance of transferable skills in a changing workforce BMS 3.3.6 – Practice customer service skills

4 Learning Targets Students will be able to: 1. Describe and demonstrate factors contributing to success in business 2. Identify and demonstrate the steps in resigning from a position at work 3. Identify and describe examples of transferable skills in a changing workforce 4. Discuss techniques for effective customer service skills

5 Enduring Understanding An underperforming employee will negatively affect company productivity and the workload of an entire team. Company executives will rarely tolerate this risk. Employees who want to progress in a position will consistently demonstrate professional business etiquette and technical skills.

6 Introduction Top three reasons employees are terminated from their positions: inappropriate workplace behavior, casualty of office politics, and poor performance/attendance. There is no room for a weak link on a winning team. Understand your role on the winning team, so you can make the most of every job experience and build a reputable work history and resume.

7 Professional Workplace Standards Personal Behaviors: Positive attitude – be an optimist and realist Self confidence Honesty Integrity – keep confidential company business to yourself Perseverance – strive for success in all you do Self discipline Social responsibility Personal hygiene Accept responsibility for your actions Adaptability – flexibility – willingness to change Exercise good judgment in decision making Do work at work- not personal activities Interpersonal Behaviors: Be a team player – work cooperatively in groups Build relationships in a professional manner by participating in company activities Share responsibilities Assume leadership roles Practice good sportsmanship – celebrate others accomplishments Limit greatly discussing your personal home business with co-workers Volunteer to help others if you have finished your assignments Speak up – share your ideas and suggestions, dont be shy to acknowledge your achievements when appropriate Resign professionally when leaving a position

8 Professional Workplace Standards Technical Behaviors and Skills: Critical thinking and problem-solving Communication skills verbally and in writing – listen actively and follow directions Employment literacy – accept responsibility for your own professional development for your career Technology literacy – select and employ appropriate technologies to complete assignments Make connections to apply knowledge from a variety of disciplines to develop strategies and solutions for workplace situations

9 Discussion Questions 1. Why do underperforming employees get terminated from their positions in the workplace? 2. Why is it inappropriate to do personal business on company time? 3. Provide examples of personal business to avoid at work.

10 Employee Policy Manual Assignment Students will work in small teams of 3-4 students each to prepare a simple policy manual for proper workplace etiquette and performance. Each team will prepare a list of 20 rules for the workplace. They will also prepare a brief essay defending the rules they are suggesting for implementation.

11 Closure Students will present their policy manuals to the class and discuss/analyze the rules and policies.

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