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Behaviors, Attitudes, Work Ethics & Decision Making 7th grade Career Discovery Adapted from Barbara Mackessy.

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Presentation on theme: "Behaviors, Attitudes, Work Ethics & Decision Making 7th grade Career Discovery Adapted from Barbara Mackessy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Behaviors, Attitudes, Work Ethics & Decision Making 7th grade Career Discovery
Adapted from Barbara Mackessy

2 Attitude The way you think or feel about a person, place or thing, a given situation, or even life in general. Your outlook and reaction to a situation Your reaction is what other people see. Can be influenced by others

3 Behavior Your actions resulting from your attitude and personality.
The way you act or present yourself, actions in an given environment. Can be influenced by others

4 Your attitude and behavior will have an impact on your future.
Will you be able to find and keep a job in the future? What type of attitude do you have?

5 Types of Behaviors & Attitudes
Acceptable Unacceptable

6 Acceptable Attitudes & Behaviors
Positive Things that you are supposed to do Following rules and regulations Appropriate People will ENJOY being around you you will meet job requirements Will keep you employed

7 Unacceptable Attitudes & Behaviors
Negative Things that you are not supposed to do: Not following rules and regulations Being inappropriate Breaking the laws people will not like to be around you you will not meet job requirements hurts you in the future Will keep you unemployed you will likely be unsuccessful in the future

8 Behavior is your actions resulting from your attitude, personality and environment.
Task Create a list of behaviors that meet the criteria on the card you are given. Be prepared to share your ideas with the class


10 Work Ethics Work Ethics is a combination of your values, personality, attitude and pride in your work. Honesty, pride, purpose, feelings, visions, teamwork, character, productivity, appearance and communication…..all come together to build YOUR work ethic.

11 Work ethics include: Your values Honesty Accountability
Choosing right verses wrong Choosing acceptable verses unacceptable

12 In the workplace …………….(or at school…..)
how you feel about your work or job how you take care of your responsibilities Attitude Behavior Respect Communication Interaction Getting along with others

13 Work Ethics: Work ethic may include many things but it is really your set of values. Ideally the better your ethics the better your work position. You ethics will guide you in any given situation.

14 Work ethic involves: honesty (not lying, stealing, or cheating)
doing a job well having pride valuing what one does showing people who you really are. having sense of purpose and feeling being a part of a greater vision or plan is vital What will you do in a given situation?

15 The Number 1 priority of Georgia’s employers is to improve the work ethics of present and future employees.

16 The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that 80 percent of workers who lose their jobs do so not because of lack of occupational skills, but because of poor work ethics.

17 According to Georgia Technical College the ten essential work ethics traits that need to be taught to encourage development of positive work habits conducive to the needs of business and industry. Attendance Cooperation Character Communication Respect Productivity Organization skills Appearance Teamwork Attitude

18 Attendance Attends class Arrives on time Leaves on time
Notifies instructor/teacher in advance of planned absences Excused absences only Does not make up excuses for absences

19 Cooperation Displays leadership skills Appropriately handles criticism
Appropriately handles conflict Appropriately handles complaints Demonstrates problem-solving capability Maintains appropriate relationships with supervisors and peers Follows chain of command

20 Character loyal honest trustworthy dependable reliable
Displays initiative Displays self-discipline Displays self-responsibility Control emotions and actions

21 Communication Displays appropriate nonverbal –eye contact
Display appropriate nonverbal – body language Displays oral listening skills Displays appropriate telephone etiquette Displays proper grammar in communication Displays appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication skills

22 Respect Deals appropriately with cultural/racial diversity
Does not engage in harassment of any kind Uses manners around others

23 Productivity Follows safety practices Conserves materials
Keeps work areas neat and clean Follows directions and procedures Makes up assignments Punctually Participates Completes all work

24 Organizational Skills
Manages time well Manages stress well Is flexible Adapts to change Keep things neat and orderly Uses time wisely

25 Appearance appropriate dress good grooming habits good hygiene
good etiquette

26 Teamwork Respects the right of others Respects confidentiality
Is a team player Is cooperative Is assertive Displays a customer service attitude Seeks opportunities for continuous learning Demonstrates mannerly behaviors

27 Attitude Demonstrates a positive attitude Friendly, pleasant and kind
Appears self-confident Has a realistic expectation of self I can, I will, I did attitude Others like to be around you

28 Interpersonal Skills Appreciative Emotionally stable Patient Likeable
Helpful Pleasant Cooperate Hard working Cheerful Devoted Courteous Considerate Well groomed Friendly Loyal Modest

29 Work Ethics Assessment
How would you have rated yourself on all of those items? At the work site they expect you to be proficient in all of them. What do you need to do? What do you need to change? Will you stay employed in the future?

30 Decisions are made daily!
Do you use responsible decision making steps with you behavior, attitude and work ethics? Do you think of the consequences before taking action? How can you improve your behavior, attitude and work ethics?

31 Behavior Assessment Think about your level and put one of the following numbers as the answer to each question: 1= definitely YES- all the time 2 = Usually YES – most of the time 3 = Questionable – half the time you do, and half the time you don’t 4 = Usually NOT – most of the time I don’t 5 = Definitely NOT – No, Never

32 What your score means…. 22-31 – you are exhibiting some very good behavior traits and if they continue you should do very well in the working world you have some good traits but need to improve on some of your behavior traits to keep you employed and promoted in the future. 38-44 – you have a few good traits but mostly exhibit some very questionable traits that will have to be improved upon in the future for you to keep a job for very long.

33 45-55 – You have a few fair and questionable traits but mostly exhibit some very poor traits that will have to be improved upon for you to keep your job 56-75 – If you do not improve on your behavior traits then you may not be hired or you will probably be fired very soon 76-95 – You might not make it through the entire job interview!

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