Teaching Sight Words To Your Child…. Remember, before you begin…. Make 2 copies of the words on index cards.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Sight Words To Your Child…. Remember, before you begin…. Make 2 copies of the words on index cards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Sight Words To Your Child…

2 Remember, before you begin…. Make 2 copies of the words on index cards.

3 Always… Tell your child the name of each word as you place each card on the table. Have your child REPEAT each word to make sure it is said correctly. Explain word meanings as needed.

4 Activity 1: MATCH (do 3 times) Five cards are placed in front of the child. Place them left to right, top to bottom. (mix up every time) Give a word card to the child and say: PUT (SAY WORD) ON (SAY WORD). E.G. Put cat on cat. Put go on go.

5 Activity 2: PICK UP (do 3 times) Five cards are placed in front of your child in any order. Change order every time. Say: PICK UP (SAY WORD). Put out your hand so child picks up the card and places it in your hand. If child gets it wrong, just say, “Try again.”

6 Activity 3: SAY (do 3 times) Five cards are placed in front of the child, in any order. Change order each time. Tell the child to pick up the cards in any order and SAY the word on each card.

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