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Alcohol and Marijuana’s effects upon the endocrine system

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Presentation on theme: "Alcohol and Marijuana’s effects upon the endocrine system"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alcohol and Marijuana’s effects upon the endocrine system
By: Me and Him

2 Marijuana’s Effect on the Endocrine System

3 Glands Affected By Marijuana
Marijuana damages the network of glands, organs, and hormones involved in growth and development, energy levels, and reproduction. The glands affected include: Pituitary gland Thyroid gland Stomach duodenum Pancreas Adrenal glands Testis

4 Marijuana has an effect on the body because THC, the active ingredient, is very chemically similar to to the endocannabinoids which are naturally occurring chemicals in the body. The THC binds to the receptors of the endocannabinoids, and activates the neurons, causing the different sensations experienced during a high.

5 Marijuana produces body hormones, the internal chemicals that control how and when we develop. Here's what it does there: Triggers a short-term drop in the hormones that direct growth and development. Lowers sperm production in males, resulting in fewer normal sperm cells. Tinkers with the balance of hormones that control the menstrual cycles of girls and women.

6 Marijuana and THC can have direct effects on the testes
Marijuana and THC can have direct effects on the testes. Reductions in testicular size have been observed in rodents and dogs Prolonged use of marijuana is known to cause gynecomastia.

7 Alcohol effects upon the endocrine system

8 The endocrine system This system controls the body's hormones and includes the pineal, pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands, and the ovaries or testes The major effect alcohol has on these is it sedtaes the glands

9 Sexual glands Alcohol effects the sex glands such as the ovaries, testes, and pituitary glands It can sterilize the testes and ovaries It effects the pituitary glands by decreasing the size and usefulness of the penis, and blocks orgasm responders in women

10 Which is worse? Marijuana is worse because it leads to more permanent damage than that of alcohol, which only leads to temporary sedation of glands

11 Sites

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