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Standard 22D Evaluations HT Accredited Curriculum.

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1 Standard 22D Evaluations HT Accredited Curriculum

2 Standard 22B The standard states: – Written criteria for passing, failing, and progression in the program must be provided. These must be given to each student at the time of entry into the program. Evaluation systems must be related to the objectives and competencies described in the curriculum for both didactic and applied education components. They must be employed frequently enough to provide students and faculty with timely indications of the students’ academic standing and progress and to serve as a reliable indicator of the effectiveness of instruction and course design. 2

3 Standard 22D Objectives Upon completion of this unit of instruction and review of additional resources, the learner shall be able to: State the requirements for the advertisement of passing, failing, and progression in the program. Examine evaluation tools and determine if they correlate with the objectives and competencies. Assess the frequency and timing of evaluations to determine if they provide timely feedback. 3

4 Standard 22D Written criteria for passing, failing, and progression in the program must be provided. These must be given to each student at the time of entry into the program. – Students must be informed of the criteria for successful completion at the onset of the program. Programs should inform students at multiple points in the program During initial program orientation in a student handbook In each course syllabus 4

5 Standard 22D Evaluation systems must be related to the objectives and competencies described in the curriculum for both didactic and applied components. – There is a direct relationship between the objectives and competencies listed at the beginning of a course and the evaluations that are given during and at the culmination of that course. – In order to accurately assess if a student has met the objectives of a course, students must be evaluated. – All available domains of behavioral objectives must be evaluated including affective, cognitive, and psychomotor. – The objectives of both didactic curriculum and applied curriculum must be evaluated. 5

6 Standard 22D Evaluations can be tests, quizzes, homework, or direct observation. There is no magic number for how many evaluations only that the evaluation tool is appropriate for the competency being assessed. – i.e. In order to assess cognitive competency in Tissue Fixation, a student is given a comprehensive final examination during the last week of class. – i.e. In order to assess psychomotor competency in Tissue Embedding, a student is observed and evaluated on the dexterity required to select the appropriate mold and orient a skin specimen on edge. 6

7 Standard 22D Evaluations must be employed frequently enough to provide students and faculty with timely indications of the students’ academic standing and progress and to serve as a reliable indicator of the effectiveness of instruction and course design. – Students need to receive constructive feedback in order to understand when they are meeting the required objectives. – The more timely the feedback, the more readily they can apply change when indicated and advance toward achieving the objective. – Timely feedback also confirms for a student that their understanding of subject matter is on target and allows them to apply that knowledge as they begin interpreting clinical information and problem solving. 7

8 Standard 22D Evaluations also provide valuable feedback to the program. – Based on tabulated information about students’ ability to meet objectives, instructors and program directors can determine if the learning experiences are effective. – If students are continually not performing well during evaluations, a program must consider that the instruction is the issue instead of the student themselves. i.e. Students frequently struggle when performing manual iron stains. The program should examine all points of learning that lead to performing the stain. This may include the special stains course, the special staining laboratory course, or some component of each.

9 Assessment The minimum time to provide written criteria for passing, failing, and progression in the program is: a.6 weeks prior to graduation b.Before clinical rotations c.At the time of entry into the program d.In online materials. 9

10 Assessment Evaluation tools should be based on: a.Course objectives. b.Instructor preference. c.Certification exams. d.Clinical rotation sites.

11 Assessment Which of the following items is not a benefit of evaluations: a.Student awareness of personal progress b.Instructor awareness of their effectiveness c.Determining which is the best student d.A program’s ability to provide a balanced, properly sequenced education. 11

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