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AP Statistics Mr. Deem (858) 485-4800 ext 4267

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1 AP Statistics Mr. Deem (858) 485-4800 ext 4267

2 What math course will I take in college? In college, most students are required to take one mathematics course. About half of schools require a calculus course, and the other half require a statistics course.

3 What credit or placement will I get for my AP math class? Each college/university has a policy about credit and/or placement awarded for specific AP exams. AP Calculus has been around longer, so more schools give credit and/or placement for it than for AP Statistics. At most schools that give credit, earning a “passing” score on the AP Statistics or AP Calculus exams results in one semester of college credit. The key might be which math course you’ll need in your major.

4 What college major do I plan to pursue? If you plan to pursue a degree in mathematics, physics, or chemistry, you will be expected to take calculus in college. If you select an English, history, fine arts, foreign language, or social science major, then you are more likely to need a statistics course. Some majors will probably need to take both calculus and statistics.

5 What is the difference between AP Calculus and AP Statistics? AP Calculus Graphical, numerical, and algebraic Builds on pre-calculus concepts Computational proficiency helps Emphasizes techniques and applications TI-83/84/89 AP Statistics Collecting and analyzing data Computation de- emphasized Focus on communication and interpretation Writing critical TI-83/84/89

6 SOLUTION! Take both!!

7 Calculator Required A statistical calculator is required for this class (and AP Calculus). The calculator I will use is the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition. A TI-83 Plus will work as well. These calculators cost between $90 - $130.00.

8 Questions? (858) 485-4800 x4267

9 Major Content Areas in AP Statistics Exploring Data Design and Sampling Probability and Simulation Statistical Inference

10 AP Statistics Exam Structure 40 Multiple Choice Questions: 90 minutes (counts 50% of exam score) 6 Free Response Questions: 90 minutes (counts 50% of exam score) Five open-ended items One Investigative Task: assess ability to integrate statistical ideas and apply them in a new context or in a non-routine way.

11 YEAR EXAMS % PASSING 1997 7,667 62.2 1998 15,488 59.7 1999 25,240 57.1 2000 34,118 53.7 2001 41,609 59.7 2002 49,824 56.8 2003 58,230 61.9 2004 65,878 59.9 2005 76,786 60.7 2006 88,237 60.2 2007 98,000 58.7 2008 110,000 59.1 RB % Passing: 2008: 72% 2009: 76% 2010: 77%









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