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Dame Colet / Haileybury Youth Centre

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1 Dame Colet / Haileybury Youth Centre

2 Approach to the brief The new Youth Club opens out to the corner of Ben Jonson and Stepney High Street to create a new inviting face for the centre to the community We have used the Osmani Centre as a benchmark for developing the brief. We are investigating the use of timber for the structure which would reduce carbon emissions and offers an attractive and warm interior compared to concrete

3 Layout of the Facility Keep the two large Poplar trees and create a small external court for the Sports Hall and a potential separate access to roof Some covered changing and viewing space on the roof which contains a Sport England MUGA space for “5 a side” and cricket practice nets Games Room Class Room Cafe Football Pitch Sports Hall Cricket Nets Ground Floor Plan First Floor Plan Roof Plan

4 Haileybury Youth Centre
The Offer 5 A-Side football pitch on the roof Two practice cricket nets on the roof Separate access to the roof terrace Art Room and Class Room Music, One to One and staff offices Youth Club Room and Gym 2 Court Sports Hall with changing Café and kitchen open to entrance

5 Dame Colet Residential

6 Affordable Housing Dame Colet – view from South

7 Affordable Housing Dame Colet - Ground and upper floor plans
Floors 1-2 Floors 3 Ground floor

8 Affordable Housing Dame Colet – Schedule of accommodation
4 accessible units

9 Affordable Housing Dame Colet – massing studies and elevations South

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