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T RANSPORTATION D ISADVANTAGED B EST P RACTICES & T RAINING W ORKSHOP “ Maximizing ITS investments to reduce operating costs and provide the best possible.

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Presentation on theme: "T RANSPORTATION D ISADVANTAGED B EST P RACTICES & T RAINING W ORKSHOP “ Maximizing ITS investments to reduce operating costs and provide the best possible."— Presentation transcript:

1 T RANSPORTATION D ISADVANTAGED B EST P RACTICES & T RAINING W ORKSHOP “ Maximizing ITS investments to reduce operating costs and provide the best possible information to the traveling public of Collier County. “

2 Introductions

3 Collier County’s Vision for Technology Revolutionize the adoption of ITS technology by partnering with AVAIL to achieve success

4 Hosted ITS Solution Dispatch Sprint DATA CAT Facility Data WLAN FR & Para Vehicles Data

5 Collier County ITS Project Phase I – CAD/AVL Fixed Route and Paratransit FR – AVL, APC, Scheduling Software PARA- Upgrades to Paratransit Scheduling, Navigation, Manifest Downloads – Wireless Data Communications – Real time information Web Portal 4 Dynamic message signs w/Audio Phase II – Real-Time Passenger Information Smarty Phone Apps Interactive Voice Response (IVR) FR Additional Signs – Voice Radio integration (closed mic)

6 ITS Software Off-the-Shelf Features Fixed Route and Paratransit CAD/AVL Fixed Route Scheduling ‒ GIS and Tabular Displays ‒ Route/Stop Definition ‒ Event Handling ‒ Creation of Timetables ‒ Voice Radio Interface (closed mic) ‒ Data Messaging Real-Time Passenger Information ‒ Schedule and Route Adherence ‒ Dynamic Message Signs w/ Audio ‒ Incident Management ‒ Web Services, Text & Email Alerts Data Warehouse Analysis Reporting ‒ iPhone and Android Apps ‒ Operational Performance Data ‒ Fixed Route IVR ‒ APC Data and NTD Reporting OmniPoint Module Through the System CAT will have full redundancy at the Emergency Operations Center for system control and access.

7 Vehicle Off-the-Shelf Features Fixed Route Vehicle Paratransit Vehicle ‒ Mobile Data Computer w/ GPS ‒ Vehicle Area Network ‒ Vehicle Component Monitoring ‒ Automated Next Stop Annunciation ‒ Silent Alarm & Covert Microphone ‒ Automatic Passenger Counters ‒ Navigation Assistance ‒Cellular Data ‒ Electronic Manifest ‒ WLAN Bulk Data Supervisor Vehicle ‒ Farebox Control ‒Mobile Dispatch w/ Laptop option ‒ Head sign Control ‒Silent Alarm & Covert Microphone OmniPoint Module

8  GPS/AVL  Real-Time Data Comms  WLAN Bulk Data  Schedule Adherence  Single Point Login  Data Messaging  Farebox Interface  Headsign Interface  ADA-compliant Announcements  Passenger Counters  Navigation Full Service In-Vehicle Suite

9 ITS System ROI Paratransit Reduced radio traffic due to the ability to add and remove customers from the manifest without a long radio call. Real-time status information, dispatch does not have to wait for a driver to tell them they are running late as dispatch now sees when pickups and drop offs happen in real time. The ability to better utilize Route Match reports. Previously only pull out / pull in times and mileage were entered, now there is times and mileage for every Customer. Map to functionality with turn by turn navigation replaces drivers using personal GPS units Fixed Route On-Time Performance Increased Text messages have replaced radio calls for driver breaks AVL map assists with transfer issues without radio calls Far more detailed schedule adherence data Stop level data on where passenger loading and alighting occurs. NTD reporting capabilities now available ADA Compliance for announcements Patrons now have access to Real Time Arrival Data Enhancing CAT Customers’ Experience.

10 Real-Time Passenger Information

11 “Data is Our Friend” Training is The Key CAT Staff Embraces Technology

12 How did we reach success? We partnered with an experienced vendor Assigned a person to be the system expert and project lead for Collier Area Transit Selected a vendor that trained our staff and will keep us trained and updated-Peer to Peer Established open and honest communication with our partner-AVAIL Selected a vendor concerned with long-term success of the CAT ITS project. Enhancing the CAT Customers’ Experience.

13  Role Based Dispatching  Role Based Dashboards  Data Mining for system alerts  IT system watch  Bus Depot Management  Tablet solutions for Dispatching and Management  Fare collection – Smart Card and Farebox ITS’s Exciting Future Enhancing Our Customer’s Experience

14 Questions and More Information ITS Partners Thank You!

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