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Lesson Seven Using Good Manners

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1 Lesson Seven Using Good Manners
Talk To Me Lesson Seven Using Good Manners Produced by the Riverina Schools Project Partnership, 2009

2 Talk to Me In our last lesson we talked about how to start a conversation Who can remember some of the things we talked about? Today we are going to talk about using good manners when speaking to others. Brainstorm some of the factors contributing to oral interaction from the previous lesson. What can we say to start talking to others?

3 Good Manners It is nice to say please, thankyou, excuse me and sorry when talking to others It shows you care. If you do not use these words people might think that you are rude. They may not feel like doing the thing that you asked for. Ask, when do you use good manners? What are some of the things we have already done today: said Good Morning to the teacher or visitors, put up a hand to ask a question, said excuse me, thank you, please

4 Good Manners When we are asking for something, we should say......
May I have a pencil please? If someone does something for you, you should say...... Thank you for helping me. Ask, can someone think of something nice an adult did for you recently? What did you say to thank them.

5 Good Manners When you need to get someone’s attention, you should say Excuse me Mr/Mrs _______ I need some help. When you accidentally bump into someone you should say...... I’m sorry for bumping into you. Ask: What are some other things you can say, using good manners, when you bump into someone?

6 Ask members of the class what they think is happening in the picture.
How rude! Hey move! Ask members of the class what they think is happening in the picture.

7 What is wrong with this picture?
What could be a better way to fix this problem? Add your answers here. Brainstorm a better solution than using bad manners in response to bumping into someone.

8 I don’t mind because he said sorry.
I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there. Ask members of the class what they think is happening in this picture. Write the answers on the following slide.

9 What is good in this picture?
Add your answers here

10 Activity Write a story or some sentences using the following words:
Please Happy Thank you Good manners Care Excuse me Sad Sorry Rude Listen Discuss each of the words in the word list. Then, ask the class to return to their desks and write a short story, or sentences, using the words on the board. Read out some good examples to the whole class.

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