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Communicating the cost of non-Europe: the „My Europe” media campaign in Hungary (February-April 2013) EESC Civil Society Media Seminar, Brussels, 25-26.

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Presentation on theme: "Communicating the cost of non-Europe: the „My Europe” media campaign in Hungary (February-April 2013) EESC Civil Society Media Seminar, Brussels, 25-26."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communicating the cost of non-Europe: the „My Europe” media campaign in Hungary (February-April 2013) EESC Civil Society Media Seminar, Brussels, 25-26 November 2013 Tamás Király, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary

2 2 WITHIN THE MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP (MPA) FRAMEWORK: Developed jointly by the Hungarian MFA, the Commission Representation and the EP Information Office in Budapest Based on the inter-institutional communication priorities for 2012 Annual communication plan signed by all three partners Intermediate Body is the MFA: in charge of procurement and implementation 1st complex media campaign on EU in 7 years

3 3 WHY AND HOW ‘COST OF NON-EUROPE CAMPAIGN’ WAS CHOSEN ? Analysis of public opinion polls Identification of target groups Brainstorming with experts and key policy makers

4 4 IMPLEMENTATION Budget: 125.000 EUR Public procurement tender: 8 applicants, negotiations with 3 Decision and contract by December 2012 MEC/Young & Rubicam selected (with the involvement of external EU experts) Weekly status meetings from December, together with COM REP and EPIO Opening press conference 21 February Campaign period 25 February- 25 March Concluding press conference 11 April

5 5 CAMPAIGN MESSAGE DEVELOPMENT CONTENTS OF COMMUNICATION PRACTICAL ADVANTAGES TONE OF COMMUNICATION PART OF EU COMMUNITY What would it be like, if there were no EU? Being European and Hungarian do not contradict each other, on the contrary.

6 6 CAMPAIGN TOOLS TV (60-seconds minispots, talk show appearances) Radio (information „soundbites”) Internet (website, Facebook, web advertising) PR events (in secondary schools and universities)

7 7 TV 2 animated spots with kinetic typography Personal stories with EU information in the concluding part „Hungary without the Hortobágy? It wouldn’t be the same.” 5 talk show appearances by campaign representatives


9 9 SOME RESULTS TV spot reached 5.285.000 viewers or 57,6% of population (476 times on one national and three thematic cable channels) 5 talk show apprearances with reach between 554.000 and 1.422.000 each Radio spot reach 1.563.500 (18.4%) Online surfaces (microsite & Facebook) viewed by 55.576 users (on average 1.628 user/day during campaign period), 806 Facebook likes, 1.231 used the „EU Calculator” 5 secondary school and 6 university PR events (interactive lectures, discussion panels, with the participation of MoFA leaders) reached 1.239 students

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