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Public Consultation on the TOP-10 most burdensome EU legislative acts Costas Andropoulos ENTR D/4 – SBA and SME Policies 7 March 2013 – Presentation to.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Consultation on the TOP-10 most burdensome EU legislative acts Costas Andropoulos ENTR D/4 – SBA and SME Policies 7 March 2013 – Presentation to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Consultation on the TOP-10 most burdensome EU legislative acts Costas Andropoulos ENTR D/4 – SBA and SME Policies 7 March 2013 – Presentation to the HLG on Administrative Burden

2 Origin of the Top 10 Public Consultation In November 2011, the Commission adopted a report to the Council and the European Parliament to: minimize the regulatory burden for SMEs; adapt EU regulation to the needs of micro-enterprises announce a specific commitment to identify the TOP10 most burdensome EU legislative acts for SMEs

3 Preparing the Public Consultation TOP10 Questionnaire Stakeholders' Conferences EEN Feedback system TOP10 SME panel

4 Basic facts of the Public Consultation The TOP10 public consultation: targeted at SMEs and their representative organisations; started on 1 October 2012 and was closed on 21 December 2012; Questionnaire available in 21 EU languages. Stakeholders were consulted on: A list of 53 policy areas, under 11 headings (Consumer policy, Transport policy, etc) ; A list of 55 specific EU legislative items (35 directives, 18 regulations, 2 decisions);

5 Who answered: - 779 enterprises, 154 organisations and 67 other stakeholders - 141 replies from EU organisations (15 active at European level) - 746 replies from SMEs (of which 628 from the EU)




9 Examples of successful revisions of EU legislation to the benefit of SMEs Accounting Directive (2012/06/EU) on the annual accounts of certain types of companies as regards micro-entities of March 2012 Late Payment Directive (2011/07/EU) combating late payment in commercial transactions of February 2011

10 Follow up: Communication to the March European Council including a report on the results of the TOP10 public consultation Use of SME Envoys' network Full report of the results to be published on the ENTR website The results of the TOP10 will feed into the REFIT (EU Regulatory Fitness) exercise to verify "fitness for purpose" of the Acquis.

11 Thank you for your attention. consultation-new/index_en.htm

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