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England’s Green Exercise Get Up, Get Out, Get Healthy.

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Presentation on theme: "England’s Green Exercise Get Up, Get Out, Get Healthy."— Presentation transcript:

1 England’s Green Exercise Get Up, Get Out, Get Healthy

2 What the initiative would do... Enable people to become more active in the outdoors to improve their health and well-being. Focus on: –People who are not so active – and so have most health improvement to gain –Places near to where people live or work – so the activities can be built into their lifestyles rather than be one-off episodes -Working with local communities to identify needs and train volunteers so leave behind a legacy of skills and self-help attitude.

3 Leading to……. –more people having active, regular contact with the outdoors for all the benefits it can bring.

4 Walking for Health ‘Stealth’ walking’ where people walk to another activity: Kite flying Bird watching Exploring nature Orienteering Running e.g. pond dipping, wildlife gardening…. Organised games Night time journeys in the outdoors Den building/camp fires Wild camping Canoeing Cycling for beginners Mountain biking Return to cycling …why not some minority interests such as Tai Chi?

5 England’s Green Exercise is not…. Active travel – it is leisure based, not utility based (but could influence travel choices) Competitive sport.

6 Why Green Exercise? Evidence shows that physical activity interventions that are not dependent upon attendance at a facility and are on people’s ‘doorsteps’ are more likely to be effective. Value for money : Low cost as green infrastructure often already in place. Some programmes have shown that community-based, mentor and volunteer-led initiatives are effective, popular and enjoy high retention rates. Some programmes have proven to be successful in attracting hard to reach groups and, through effective partnerships at a local level, are sustainable.

7 Accessible green space and attractive places to walk, act as catalysts for physical activity and as a continuous cue to exercise. They also provide opportunities for social contact and stress reduction. Social Networks Well- being and Health Physical Activity Nature

8 The ethos of England’s Green Exercise. Fun and enjoyment to motivate and retain participants Emphasis on people and their participation - not green infrastructure Focus on people living in areas of poor health and ‘under-served’ groups Offer a ‘menu’ of activities and partners ‘Flexible’ so communities can shape it their way Work with other programmes improving the quality of green spaces and recreation facilities

9 Who will benefit? ANYONE who currently takes little or no exercise - to the detriment of their quality of life.e.g. Teenagers, especially non sporty, disaffected youth, risk of overweight Families, especially those with health problems (e.g. overweight, poor diet) Older people, especially those at risk of social isolation or the “not using it and losing” it syndrome. Those at risk of suffering from mental health problems, depression, low self-esteem, etc. All focused on people living in areas of poor health

10 Activity on the ground looks like this….. Local ‘green exercise’ coordinators working with a range of partners and projects (right skills essential): Engaging directly with target audiences Providing opportunities that are either low cost or free to participants Recruiting and training volunteers/existing adventure providers/physical activity ‘mentors’ Providing (small scale) equipment Creating referral links to target groups e.g. via schools, community groups, GPs and Practice Nurses,counsellors Providing events and activities that meet needs

11 England’s Green Exercise Outcome - 1 Greater diversity and number of people improving their physical health and mental wellbeing through regular physical activity and contact with the outdoors –150 new sustainable projects - focussed on communities with relatively poor health –150,000 beneficiaries by 2012, of which –90,000 are gaining identifiable improvements to their health and wellbeing.

12 England’s Green Exercise Outcome – 2. People and communities having the right skills, motivation and back up to sustain their improved health beyond the life of this portfolio –Relevant training given to every volunteer –75% of all participants gaining in self confidence, and encouraging family and friends, to take more activity in the outdoors without ongoing support from formal projects. –A package of on-going support offered to every project to help with sustainability.

13 England’s Green Exercise Outcome – 3. Increased recognition of the health and wellbeing benefits of the outdoors amongst our target beneficiaries, health professionals and statutory organisations through sharing good practice, evidence and quality standards –Access to learning and good practice for every professional and volunteer through a network of information sharing. –A new quality standard devised to encourage all projects to perform at their best –A strong evidence methodology recognised by the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence. –50% of Primary Care Trusts regularly using the natural environment as part of their solutions to tackling public health issues.

14 How will projects be delivered? Through National and Local delivery partners: National delivery partners (sub-contractors) who have specific expertise & experience. Finding local partners to deliver and develop new concepts which will address local need (grant aid): e.g. –Walking for (mental) health –Adventure experiences for new audiences, young people, families –Informal play within communities using volunteers and mentors

15 Natural England’s Role -1 Champion Green Exercise across England –Promote the concept and in particular gain support of the health sector and environmental organisations –Identify and work with partners who can deliver –Offer a range of support services to local delivery partners, networks, insurance, website, shared marketing

16 Natural England’s Role – 2 –Coordinate monitoring and evaluation, share good practice –Get backing of media and private sector to broaden awareness and impact e.g. via campaigns –Set Quality Assurance standards.

17 Quality Assurance Requirements for local projects Local projects must : Be targeted accurately at people with health(mental and/or physical) needs Have good connections with public health professionals Be both accessible and inclusive Have well trained staff and volunteers Able to cultivate relevant local partnerships Have effective safety procedures Have monitoring and evaluation in place Share knowledge and be part of the GE family.

18 Timing for our bid Aiming for BIG’s early application route: –First stage submission by 10th June –BIG advise whether can apply for Stage 2 by end Aug’ 2006 –2nd stage submission by 13 October –BIG decision by Dec’ 2006 for projects to start early 2007. May – Sept we need to: - identify all potential local projects from expressions of interest - determine project selection criteria - select portfolio projects (by 15 th Sept).

19 How your organisation can get involved? Submit an Expression of Interest to be an active partner in the delivery of practical projects, focussed on own specialisms or facilities to address local need, – either on own or in conjunction with a complementary organisation. Recommend your members or supporters to use the services created by the local projects. Lend us your expertise: e.g. evaluation, communication tools or resources e.g. client /customer information. Give us your moral support & promote it in your networks.

20 Further information Expressions of Interest (EOI) to be submitted to regional Countryside Agency (NE) contacts by Friday 11 August 2006 Regional team: Please contact either; Lorraine Rasmussen or Martin Shaw at the Countryside Agency on (0191 269 1600)

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