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VC2A VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 1 Vector Control Module 2A Fly borne diseases.

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Presentation on theme: "VC2A VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 1 Vector Control Module 2A Fly borne diseases."— Presentation transcript:

1 VC2A VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 1 Vector Control Module 2A Fly borne diseases

2 VC2A VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 2 African Trypanosomiasis Sleeping Sickness

3 VC2A VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 3 Areas Infested by tsetse fly Distribution of sleeping sickness

4 VC2A VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 4 Sleeping sickness symptoms 1 st stage : bouts of fever, headaches, joint pains and itching 2 nd stage, neurological phase, parasite crosses the blood-brain barrier and invades the central nervous system Long slow disease development over months and years Treatment difficult and limited choice 100% fatal if untreated

5 VC2A VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 5 Control Effectiveness of traps: 1.Tsetse reproduction is very inefficient 2.They normally bite people at water collection sites in the day 3.They are easily attracted by blue and black 4.Cow odour on traps increases the attraction

6 VC2A VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 6 Onchocerciasis (River blindness) Blackfly

7 VC2A VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 7 18 million persons infected 99% Africa Endemic in 29 African countries 120 million persons at risk 250 million blind from infection

8 VC2A VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 8 Symptoms

9 VC2A VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 9 Treatment Single dose of Invermectin annually See the module on Laviciding Blackfly Control

10 VC2A VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 10 Non biting flies Mechanical vector for diarrhoea, shigellosis, dysentery, typhoid, intestinal worm eggs. Houseflies are common in camps and damaged villages Lay their eggs in rotting material Carry disease causing pathogens Mechanical vector for diarrhoea, shigellosis, cholera, typhoid, intestinal worm eggs. Carry virus and bacteria picked up from rotting corpses and excreta Musca domestica

11 VC2A VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 11 Flies Bite only in the day time when they can detect their host, attracted by odour, CO 2 and also by colours. UNHCR plastic sheeting BLUE is the strongest attractant colour. This can be used to help control them. Flies are generally mechanical vectors and do not rest in any particular place. Control at this stage of behavior is not effective.

12 VC2A VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training –Reduce breeding sites – bury excreta, cover/burn waste –Hygiene promotion for personal hygiene –Fly screens – particularly for medical/food preparation areas –Fly traps – simple to make, environmentally safe Simple fly trap Source: UNHCR,1997. Flies: Environmental control

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