Evaluating the Impact of CLD on National and Local Outcomes 15 November 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluating the Impact of CLD on National and Local Outcomes 15 November 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluating the Impact of CLD on National and Local Outcomes 15 November 2011

2 12 October 2014 Measuring the Outcomes of Community Capacity Building

3 12 October 2014 Outcomes for Capacity Building Working  CLD supports people to become confident, skilled and active members of the community  CLD supports communities to be active and have more influence  CLD supports community organisations to get access to resources and to deliver services effectively  CLD helps community organisations include a wide range of people  CLD supports productive networks and relationships “Delivering Change”

4 12 October 2014 Thread Between Local Outcomes and The SOA

5 12 October 2014 Quantitative & Qualitative Measures  Community Capacity Building Satisfaction Survey  Survey with partners  Survey with community organisations and groups  Survey and evaluation with Local Community Learning and Development Partnerships  % of community groups who feel that positive progress has been made against the key outcomes for capacity building  Quantitative evidence of outcomes eg numbers of community organisations supported  Case studies

6 12 October 2014 Planning & Reporting  Project level - LEAP  Local Community Learning and Development Partnerships  Plans, reviews and reports  Learning & Achievement Reports on Learning Communities  CLD Strategy Report  Standards & Quality report

7 12 October 2014 Outcome Example – Aberfeldy Town Hall Development  CLD supports people to be confident, skilled and active members of the community -Study visits to learn from the experience of others -Birse Community Trust -Penicuik Town hall -Boat of Garten

8 12 October 2014 Aberfeldy Town Hall Development  CLD supports people to become active and have more influence -Community Engagement Event -Future Backwards -Supported Community Ownership of building -Provided a mandate to continue and establish a working group

9 12 October 2014 Aberfeldy Town Hall Development  Helps community organisations plan, manage and assess their work - Developed LEAP planning process to identify actions and training needs

10 12 October 2014 Aberfeldy Town Hall Development Supports community organisations to get access to resources and to deliver services effectively -Support to become DAT Scotland Community ownership demonstration project -LEADER funding application with Community Council to carry out community facilities audit

11 12 October 2014 Aberfeldy Town Hall Development  CLD supports community organisations to include a wide range of people in their work -Wide variety of methods used to communicate progress with wider community -Local press -Newsletter -Public meetings -Developed a supporters list of 100 people

12 12 October 2014 Aberfeldy Town Hall Development  Supports productive networks ad relationship -Developed partnership and subsequently became a sub group of existing local trust with governance and experience of community ownerships off assets -Negotiated with Perth & Kinross Council a 2-year licence to operate the building to provide the opportunity to “test the water” prior to full ownership

13 12 October 2014 Impact  Improved Quality of Life  Improved partnership working  Stronger cohesion in communities  Less social isolation  Delivery of services related to community need

14 12 October 2014 For Discussion  Do we all set outcomes and measure in a comparable way?  Are the Delivering Change Outcomes broad enough to encompass the many aspects of CCB?  Is this about the process leading to outcomes?  Can we include partners further and if so how?  How do we show the joint impact of partnership working for CCB?

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