FARMING AND RURAL ISSUES GROUP FOR THE S.E. Andrew Colquhoun 7 February 2011.

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1 FARMING AND RURAL ISSUES GROUP FOR THE S.E. Andrew Colquhoun 7 February 2011

2 BACKGROUND Formed 1997 Recognised by SEEDA and GOSE 14 member organisations

3 MEMBERSHIP NFU, Tenant Farmers, Young Farmers CLA Horticultural Trades Association National Trust RICS Forestry, agricultural equipment, contractors Land-based colleges and trainers EBLEX

4 ACTIVITIES Boost rural economy through farming, forestry and horticulture Champion good practice on the land Integrate production and environmental issues Advise on/ influence official policies affecting land-based business Forum for official/ land-based business liaison

5 RECENT PROJECTS Managing the Champions Scheme: 16 projects Monitoring English Farming and Food Partnership, and Fresh Start work in the region Working with LEPs Lobbying on farm reservoir regulation Talking to Defra about their regional work

6 THE FUTURE????? FRIG committed to sustainable economic development Big opportunities: e.g. horticulture, wine, woodland management for biomass Immediate issues: e.g. planning, water, R&D, labour, skills And longer term existential issues: food security, climate change, resource security, disease resilience Can/ will LEPs help? How will Defra deliver at regional level? FRIG network brings insight and commitment

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