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What do these terms mean? High Density Population Low Density Population Relief Climate Accessibility Resources Economic Political.

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Presentation on theme: "What do these terms mean? High Density Population Low Density Population Relief Climate Accessibility Resources Economic Political."— Presentation transcript:

1 What do these terms mean? High Density Population Low Density Population Relief Climate Accessibility Resources Economic Political

2 Aims What is the demographic transition model Why does the total population change over time?

3 What do the following terms mean? Birth rate Death rate Total population Underpopulation Overpopulation Migration

4 New terminology Overpopulation – When there are too many people living in a country. Underpopulation – When there are too few people living in a country. Migration – when people move from one place to another.

5 Birth Rate Total Population Increases as the water fills up the tub Death Rate Total Population decreases as water is drained from the tap Total Population The amount of water in the bath tub Underpopulation If there is too little water in the bath tub you can’t enjoy it! Overpopulation If there is too much water it will spill out everywhere Migration If water is transferred out of the bath tub or put back in from another water source e.g. using a jug

6 Demographic Transition Model Discuss p.66-67 with class

7 Task Produce a labelled diagram of the demographic transition model. Extension: Read p.68-69 Answer questions 1-3

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