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Eurostat Task Force on impact analysis of ESS.VIP project

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1 Eurostat Task Force on impact analysis of ESS.VIP project
11 Eurostat Task Force on impact analysis of ESS.VIP project Istat experience in study and evaluation of innovative projects Filomena Grassia Department for Integration, Quality, Research and Production Networks Development (DIQR) Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

2 Summary Istat planning process Istat Modernisation Program: Stat2015
Key Drivers and Framework Decision –making and Evaluation of Projects Risk mitigation - the Monitoring System Istat contribution to the ESS Standardisation (Essnet Project) Example of SWOT analysis Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

3 Focus on users /Customer satisfaction
Istat planning process (I) Mission Focus on users /Customer satisfaction Quality and transparency of production processes Return of statistical information to members of society Cut the statistical burden on respondents Development of new tailored products Measurement of new phenomena Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

4 Long-term strategic objectives
Istat planning process (II) Context Analysis of External environment Scaled-up production and higher quality, in response to increasing demand Timeliness, also for phenomena that evolved slowly in the past Efficiency gains leveraging technological innovation Requirements of Public Sector Increased competition from Private Sector Analysis of Internal context Cost savings in a context of budget constraints Internal stakeholders Long-term strategic objectives Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

5 Istat planning process (III)
Risk analysis for each operational project (Integrated Risk Management System) No additional quantitative analyses Resources are predefined and allocated to individual operating projects Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

6 Istat planning process (IV)
Period : Human Resources allocated to Long Term strategic objectives Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

7 Istat Modernisation Program: Stat2015
Launched in 2010, aims at revamping the business chain by 2015 , through coordinated multiannual projects Provides an overall framework for methodological, technological and organisational innovations Consistent with European and international best practices (Eurostat VISION) Leads Istat from a stovepipe model towards an integrated production system based on common infrastructures and services Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

8 Stat2015: Key Drivers Standardisation and industrialisation of the statistical business chain Implementation of re-usable infrastructure to support the National Statistical System Adoption of a metadata-driven system to help extract “signal out of noise” Development of client-oriented tools to enhance value creation Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

9 Stat2015: Framework Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

10 Stat2015: Framework - How Define Enterprise Architecture (EA)
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) based on plug-and-play technology to ensure interoperability between different systems Business Architecture   Develop shared standard IT tools and common methodologies Support data sharing and Open data Use of administrative data and explore digital/big data Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

11 Stat2015: Decision-making
Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

12 10 Key-Projects selected for monitoring on a quarterly basis
Stat2015: Evaluation of Projects Contribution to the strategic objective Spillover on other Projects Resources (staff – IT assistance) Risk analysis 10 Key-Projects selected for monitoring on a quarterly basis Gantt Charts Summary Report to Executive Committee including warning indicators Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

13 Development of the Monitoring System
Stat2015: Risk mitigation (I) Development of the Monitoring System Selected only Innovative projects focused on Building common infrastructures Development of services and tools generalized or generalizable and re-usable 56 Master Projects of which 10 monitored with Gantt Chart 48 Support Projects producing parts of infrastructure included in the result of a Master Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

14 Stat2015: Risk mitigation (II)
Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

15 Stat2015: Risk mitigation (III)
Classification - from GSBPM (the common reference point)… Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

16 …to Stat2015 Stylised Production Process
Phases of Istat production process Classification Metadata Referential metadata Structural metadata Strategic plan metadata Design/Build Determine needs for information Check data availability Design production system and rules Data collection Survey data (Total/Sample) Data from Administrative Archives Big Data Process/Analyse Integration, editing and imputation Process and estimation Analysis Dissemination Validated microdata Corporate Data Warehouse Visualisation and dissemination tools Procedures/Methods Standardisation Quality Support to processes Infrastructures Common Reference Environment Archives Supporting actions Coordination Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

17 Stat2015: Risk mitigation (IV)
Example of classification - Dissemination and Procedures/Methods Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

18 Stat2015: Risk mitigation (V)
Results of the mapping Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

19 Essnet Project on Standardisation
Launched on 14/09/2012 for a duration of 48 months (FPA) Participants HCSO Hungary – Coordinator Insee France Istat Italy CBS Latvia STATISTICS Lithuania CBS Netherlands ONS United Kingdom First SGA started on 18 December 2012 and lasts for 15 months Focused on practical implementation of the work of the Sponsorship on Standardisation to further promote interchange and sharing of standards in the ESS WP2 Lead by Istat - Deliverable 1, Month 4 - SWOT tool for analysis of standards Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

20 Essnet Project on Standardisation SWOT Analyses
Qualitative Analysis carried out in standardised way Assess Merits/Costs of the investments necessary to reach different standardisation levels (“to be state”) by considering a number of predefined aspects Four Scenarios Six Aspects for each category of the SWOT Matrix Two Scores How relevant is it? What is the effect of a specific Standardisation effort/Scenario? Scores should be collected from all NIS A tool will be presented at the end of May (Feedback Workshop) A pilot analysis will be made in the Essnet Project Results will be produced by the end of October Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

21 Essnet Project on Standardisation Example of SWOT scores
Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

22 Essnet Project on Standardisation Example of Fingerprints
The tool will be presented at the end of May (Feedback Workshop) A pilot Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013

23 Thank you! Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013 23 23

24 References
Barteld Braaksma, Cecilia Colasanti , Piero Demetrio Falorsi, Wim Kloek, Miguelangel Martinez Vidal, Jean-Marc Museux, Katalin Szep, Standardisation in the European Statistical System, NTTS Conference 2013 Filomena Grassia. Luxembourg, April 18th 2013 24 24

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