International Trade e-Learning suite for SMEs in Turkey (InTeLS-TR) Project LdV Tranfer of Innovation Project 2010-1-TR-1-LEO05-16751.

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Presentation on theme: "International Trade e-Learning suite for SMEs in Turkey (InTeLS-TR) Project LdV Tranfer of Innovation Project 2010-1-TR-1-LEO05-16751."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Trade e-Learning suite for SMEs in Turkey (InTeLS-TR) Project LdV Tranfer of Innovation Project 2010-1-TR-1-LEO05-16751

2 Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Programme (Vocational Training) Transfer of Innovation (ToI) Project International Trade e-Learning suite for SMEs in Turkey

3 Origin of InTeLS-TR Original InTeLS, Developed by a consortium leaded by Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, For the benefit of British SMEs Main Tools of InTeLS: E-Book: An easy guide book for self learning, Export Game: A simulation taking into account variables and risks of real life.

4 Transfer Decision In 2010, InTeLS was found suitable to transfer and adopt to Turkey, We did so, under an innovation transfer agreement with Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce

5 Factors Considered During the transferring process various factors such as Language local and sectoral needs Cultural conditions, Needs analysis we made at the start, Institutional structure of Turkey and Customs Union between Turkey and the EU have been taken into consideration.

6 Project Outcome Foreign Trade Guide, E-book: A lot of localisation have occurred, Export Simulation Game-Turkish version of the game at InTeLS, Foreign Trade Training Animation: A new toll to back some parts of the e-book.

7 Transferring Process Kick-off Meeting, 23-24 November 2010, Istanbul Strategy and Planning Workshop, 14-15 February 2011, Coventry Needs Analysis Localisation/transfer Process (Transfer of e-learning materials), February 2011-June 2012 Pilot Trainings, 27 June 2012 (Istanbul Exporters’ Association) and 5 July 2012 (Yeditepe University), Istanbul Evaluation Meetings, September 2012, Brussels Dissemination Seminars, 14-21-28 September 2012, İzmir, Rize and Gaziantep, Final Conference, October 2012, Istanbul

8 Objective and Target Groups of Intels-TR Project objective:InTeLS-TR Project aims to enhance trading capacities of Turkish SMEs in a growing international trade market. Target groups: International trade staff of SMEs, University Students

9 Project Leader Istanbul Exporters’ Association Project Partners Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce (UK) ITC-Europa (BE) Infinity Technology Yeditepe University Aegean Exporters’ Association Southeast Anatolia Exporters’ Association Rize Chamber of Commerce and Industry Ministry of Economy (Silent partner) Project Partners


11 Project budget: 345.964,00 € The EU Grant: 259.469,00 € Duration: 24 months (November 2010-November 2012) Buget of Intels TR

12 Project Outcome 1 : E-book


14 Project Outcome 2: Animation



17 Project Outcome 3: Game



20 Project Website

21 Thank you!

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