WELCOME! TakingITGlobal Virtual Volunteer Team Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME! TakingITGlobal Virtual Volunteer Team Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME! TakingITGlobal Virtual Volunteer Team Meeting

2 AGENDA 1.Introduction 2.TakingITGlobal Virtual Volunteer Program 3.Frequently Asked Questions 4.Important Documents in Your Training Kits 5.About Your Position 6.Announcements

3 INTRODUCTION Tell us three things about you… In three sentences or less ! Your name and position Why and when you joined TIG Your interests, passions or hobbies

4 ABOUT TIG’S VIRTUAL VOLUNTEERING (VV) PROGRAM WHAT: What is the VV Program? What does it consist of? WHY: Why was it launched? Why does TIG have volunteers? WHAT’s NEXT: What exciting new changes and events does TIG have in store?

5 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS About TakingITGlobal About the Multilingual Community

6 OVERVIEW OF IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS 1.Job Description 1.Volunteer Agreement 1.Dos and Don’ts

7 ABOUT YOUR POSITION… 10 Tips on Volunteering Wisely Team Communication TIG Star Details about your position

8 ANNOUNCEMENTS Send your complete contact information to your Coordinator Use the OV Lounge http://projects.tigweb.org/ovlounge Download and read your specific Orientation Kit: http://tig.phpwebhosting.com/OV/

9 Announcements September 21st- International Peace Party! 11am Toronto time. RSVP: http://events.tigweb.org/27541 http://events.tigweb.org/27541 September 22nd- Webinar: Social Media for Social Change (more info to follow)


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