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CIM Power of Marketing 30 Sept 2008 Writing press releases that get NOTICED Presented by Ellen Carroll.

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2 CIM Power of Marketing 30 Sept 2008

3 Writing press releases that get NOTICED Presented by Ellen Carroll

4 AGENDA 1. Introductions 2. Key learns 3. Press releases 4. Planning 5. Relationships 6. Content 7. Top tips / What to avoid 8. Presentation 9. Now what? 10. Summary – what have we learnt? 11. Questions...

5 ABOUT ME Ellen Carroll – Director and owner of Nellie PR Experience: Former PR manager at Experian Public & private sector, agency-side and freelance experience More than 15 years in the industry Nellie PR launched nearly two years ago...

6 NELLIE PR Public relations, online PR, copywriting Engaging & attentive Headline-grabbing Media savvy with great media contacts Deliver real value and return-on-investment (ROI) Trained in SEO and online PR...


8 ABOUT YOU Over to YOU Who? Where? What you want to get out of this workshop today?

9 KEY LEARNS From today: Not exhaustive Overview of the basics: Press releases Planning them Writing them Top tips for coverage Your audience Building relationships...

10 BUT FIRST A quick five minute kick-off: Headline Idea for a press release First paragraph or first couple of sentences Think of a question Hand them over We’ll look again at these at the end...

11 In the words of Oscar Wilde: “The only thing worse than being talked about is not to be talked about at all.”

12 PRESS RELEASES What are press releases? Tell a story Communicate key messages to your audience Words of WARNING Press release overload Needs to be part of a wider marketing/PR strategy Not a one hit wonder Not the be all and end all Are press releases dead?

13 PLANNING 80:20% rule: Spend 80% of your time on planning and 20% on the doing Better planning = more success... Planning tips: Objectives – what do you want to achieve? Who wants to know – your audience? Newsworthy – is there a story – answer the so what? Method – is a press release the best method? Enquiries – what’s the next step?

14 RELATIONSHIPS Crucial: Get to know your local and key journalists Read, listen, watch, monitor – understand the journalist, the media and its audience Don’t forget online and reaching your customers direct Internal audience too Don’t be afraid Build your target list...

15 CONTENT Answer the: Who? i.e. the company What? i.e. the product/event/service Where? i.e. location

16 CONTENT Answer the: When? i.e. the timing Why? i.e. interest, benefit, issue How? i.e. means...

17 TIPS Headline – write it last, grab interest & attention Upfront – news value comes first Content – answer the WHO? WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? WHY? HOW? Simple, easy to understand, snappy, short and straight to the point Facts – be factual, stick to the facts Relevant – know your audience, tailor your message i.e. angles, online Newsworthy & creative

18 TIPS Timing – issues, legislation, monitor Quote – strong, stands up on its own Visual – pictures paint a thousand words Keywords – search engine optimisation Contacts – include contact details, be helpful, available and professional...

19 TO AVOID The Big No No’s  Spelling errors  No news  Spamming – sending irrelevant information  Biased self promotion  Too wordy  No contact details  Attachments  Jargon  Delighted...Exciting...Innovative...

20 PRESENTATION Layout: Audience-dependent Logo Headline and sub-heading Date Body copy – 1 ½ spacing, quote, ends Key phrases and links Contact details, including out of office Notes to editors...

21 NOW WHAT? Review Adapt Pitch Targeted Subject line Relevant Be prepared – follow-up Evaluate Learn...

22 IN SUMMARY We have covered: Press releases Planning Relationships Content Top tips Things to avoid Presentation and layout Pitching...



25 Thank You


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