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Emergency Management Technical Committee (EM-TC) Update to the EIC 15 June 2011 l EM-TC, Chair Elysa Jones n Meets bi-weekly for an hour l CAP Profiles.

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Presentation on theme: "Emergency Management Technical Committee (EM-TC) Update to the EIC 15 June 2011 l EM-TC, Chair Elysa Jones n Meets bi-weekly for an hour l CAP Profiles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emergency Management Technical Committee (EM-TC) Update to the EIC 15 June 2011 l EM-TC, Chair Elysa Jones n Meets bi-weekly for an hour l CAP Profiles SC n Meets weekly for an hour l Message and Notification (Msg/Not) SC n Meets weekly for an hour l Infrastructure-Framework (IF) SC n Meets weekly for an hour l Hospital Availability (HAVE) SC n Meets weekly for an hour l Reference Information Model (RIM) SC n Meets bi-weekly for an hour l Tracking of Emergency Patients (TEP) SC n Meeting bi-weekly l Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) SC n Awaiting kick-off l Graphical Information System (GIS) SC n Meets as needed

2 Subcommittee Work Highlights n CAP 1.2 Errata – on hold n CAP Profile for Australia – on hold awaiting AU funding n Combined Subcommittee work l Common Types – completed, CS Draft l CIQ Profile – completed, CS Draft l EDXL Profile for GML – completed, CS Draft n EDXL Situation Reporting (SitRep) - n EDXL Distribution Element (DE) 2.0 n EDXL Hospital Availability Exchange (HAVE) 2.0 n EDXL Tracking of Emergency Patients (TEP) – Next meeting 6/16, tomorrow

3 Liaison n OASIS-HL7 l 2005/6 – HAVE l 2007? – Meeting with HITSP HL7 l 2008 – TEP l Nov 2009 – Meeting in Baltimore at NIEM/TE and EM-TC F2F l Liaison agreement in final stages of approval n Next Steps l Collaboration in TEP and RIM SCs l DHS/HHS

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