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OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards Emergency Management Technical Committee (TC) Elysa Jones Chair, Emergency Management.

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Presentation on theme: "OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards Emergency Management Technical Committee (TC) Elysa Jones Chair, Emergency Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards Emergency Management Technical Committee (TC) Elysa Jones Chair, Emergency Management Technical Committee (EM-TC) Chair, Emergency Interoperability Member Section CAP Workshop 2013 CAP Workshop 2014

2 EM-TC Subcommittees Meeting Schedules  EM-TC, Chair Elysa Jones - Meets bi-weekly for an hour  Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) SC - Meets during the second half of the bi-weekly EM-TC meeting  CAP Profiles SC – not meeting  Message and Notification (Msg/Not) SC - Meets as needed  Infrastructure-Framework (IF) SC – not meeting  Hospital Availability (HAVE) SC - Meets weekly for an hour  Reference Information Model (RIM) SC -Meets bi-weekly for an hour  Tracking of Emergency Patients (TEP) SC - Meets weekly for an hour  Graphical Information System (GIS) SC – not meeting  Tracking of Emergency Clients (TEC) SC - Meets as needed CAP Workshop 2014

3 Other EM-TC Standards Work n EDXL-DE (Distribution Element) l 1.0 Ratified 2006, 2.0 Committee Specification n EDXL-HAVE (Hospital Availability) l 1.0 Ratified 2008, 2.0 Public Review 2Q14 n EDXL-RM (Resource Messaging) l 1.0 Ratified 2008 n EDXL-SitRep (Situation Reporting) l 1.0 Committee Specification 2Q2013 n EDXL-TEP (Tracking of Emergency Patients) l 1.0 Committee specification 2Q2014 n EDXL-RIM (Reference Information Model) l Common types definition for reuse n EDXL-TEC (Tracking of Emergency Clients) l 1.0 Public Review Draft 2Q2013 CAP Workshop 2013 CAP Workshop 2014

4 CAP Standard Timeline n 2004 – Ratified CAP 1.0 n 2005 – Ratified CAP 1.1 n 2006 – ITU Recommendation x.1303 n 2006 – Ratified CAP 1.1 Errata n 2010 – Ratified CAP 1.2 n 2013 – Provide CAP 1.2 to ITU for consideration n 2014 – ITU Provide Liaison statement OASIS with response to be considered CAP Workshop 2013 CAP Workshop 2014

5 Response to Prior Workshops  CAP Logo and Guidance for Use logo-v1.0-cnd01.pdf  CAP Implementation Guidance CAP Elements: elements/v1.0/cap-elements-v1.0.pdf elements/v1.0/cap-elements-v1.0.pdf CAP Feeds: feeds/v1.0/cap-feeds-v1.0.pdf feeds/v1.0/cap-feeds-v1.0.pdf  Future of CAP CAP Workshop 2013 CAP Workshop 2014

6 Elysa Jones CAP Workshop 2013 Questions? CAP Workshop 2014

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