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Pueblos y ciudadesGramática 1 Impersonal se and passive se Preview Impersonal se Passive se.

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Presentation on theme: "Pueblos y ciudadesGramática 1 Impersonal se and passive se Preview Impersonal se Passive se."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pueblos y ciudadesGramática 1 Impersonal se and passive se Preview Impersonal se Passive se

2 Pueblos y ciudadesGramática 1 Impersonal se The impersonal se can be the subject of the third person singular form of a verb without an object. It can mean they, one, or you. Se vive bien en este pueblo. They (people) live well in this town. Se trabaja mucho en este país. One works a lot in this country.

3 Pueblos y ciudadesGramática 1 Passive se The pronoun se can also be used to say that something is done, without saying who does it. The verb agrees in number with the noun receiving the action. This use is called passive se. ¿Se vende pan en la tienda de comestibles? verb agrees with noun Is bread sold at the grocery store?

4 Pueblos y ciudadesGramática 1 Passive se The pronoun se can also be used to say that something is done, without saying who does it. The verb agrees in number with the noun receiving the action. This use is called passive se. ¿Dónde se pueden comprar unos mapas? Where can you (one) buy some maps? Se habla español aquí. Spanish is spoken here. verb agrees with noun

5 Pueblos y ciudadesGramática 1 Passive se Passive se is often used to say what is or isn’t allowed. Se prohíbe fumar. Smoking is prohibited/forbidden. No se permite nadar. Swimming is not allowed.

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