Journal September 18, 2009 When checking an adult victim, what are two things to look for that will help determine the care needed? Grab the green “Child/Infant.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal September 18, 2009 When checking an adult victim, what are two things to look for that will help determine the care needed? Grab the green “Child/Infant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal September 18, 2009 When checking an adult victim, what are two things to look for that will help determine the care needed? Grab the green “Child/Infant Emergencies” handout and the pink “Breathing Emergencies” flow chart from the front table.

2 Child – Infant CPR Health 10 September 18, 2009

3 Signals of a Breathing Emergency
Breathing is… Slower or faster than usual. Noisy. Painful Child or infant is… Gasping for breath. Wheezing, gurgling, or making high-pitched sounds. Skin is more moist than usual or looks flushed, pale, or bluish.


5 Checking an Unconscious CHILD
Check the scene, then check the Child “Are you okay?” No response, “Call 9-1-1” ** If you are ALONE… Give 2 minutes of CARE Then Call 9-1-1 Look, listen, and feel (10 seconds) 2 rescue breaths Check for severe bleeding Check for pulse (on the neck)

6 If a Child is NOT Breathing… RESCUE BREATHING
Give 1 slow breath every 3 seconds Each breath should last about 1 second Do this for 2 minutes (40 breaths) RECHECK pulse and breathing.

7 If the child does not have a pulse… begin CPR
30 compressions, 2 breaths Continue until… Scene becomes unsafe You find a sign of life. AED is ready to use. You are too exhausted to continue. Another trained responder takes over for you. There are 3 differences between adult and child CPR If you are alone with the child give two minutes of CPR before calling 911. Use the heel of ONE hand for chest compressions Press the sternum down 1 to 1.5 inches

8 If Air DOES NOT go in… Airway is probably blocked by food or small object. Perform UNCONSCIOUS CHOKING… Retilt head and try to give 2 breaths again Check for severe bleeding. 30 compressions. Lift jaw and check for object… IF SEEN, sweep it out with finger. Tilt head and give 2 breaths again.

9 If a Child is conscious and CHOKING…
One signal of choking is coughing. If the child is coughing, the airway is partially blocked, but the child is still able to get some air. Encourage the child to keep coughing. If the child continues coughing and does not cough up the object, call If the child is coughing weakly or making a high-pitched sound OR unable to speak, breathe, or cough at all …the airway is completely blocked. HELP IS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY.

10 Conscious Choking - Child
5 BACK BLOWS and 5 ABDOMINAL THRUSTS **When giving abdominal thrusts to a child, stand or kneel behind the child, depending on his/her size. Continue until the child coughs up the object or starts to breathe or cough OR the child becomes unconscious. ** In all cases, TAKE THE CHILD TO THE DOCTOR TO BE CHECKED.

11 Checking an Unconscious INFANT
Check the scene, then check the infant. Shout and gently tap the child on the shoulder. No response, “Call 9-1-1” ** If you are ALONE… Give 2 minutes of CARE Then Call 9-1-1 Look, listen, and feel (10 seconds) 2 rescue breaths (**cover the infants mouth and nose) Check for severe bleeding Check for pulse (brachial - on the arm)

If the baby is NOT breathing, but has a pulse. Give 1 slow breath every 3 seconds. Each breath lasting 1 second. Recheck pulse and breathing every 2 minutes (40 breaths).

13 Not Breathing and No Pulse… Begin CPR
Give 30 gentle chest compressions. Position your 3rd and 4th fingers in the center of the chest. Press down only 1/2 to 1 inches. Give 2 slow breaths.

14 IF the air won’t go in… Retilt infant’s head…give 2 breaths again
If chest does NOT rise… Position infant face up Give 30 chest compressions Lift jaw; look for object… IF SEEN, finger sweep WITH PINKY Tilt head back, give 2 breaths again.

15 Conscious choking Infant
1 - 2 - Position infant face up on forearm. Support head when turning infant. Head must be lower than chest. Give 5 back blows between the shoulder blades.

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