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Constitutional Convention 1787 Key attendees: George Washington James Madison George Mason Alexander Hamilton Benjamin Franklin James Wilson Gouverneur.

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Presentation on theme: "Constitutional Convention 1787 Key attendees: George Washington James Madison George Mason Alexander Hamilton Benjamin Franklin James Wilson Gouverneur."— Presentation transcript:

1 Constitutional Convention 1787 Key attendees: George Washington James Madison George Mason Alexander Hamilton Benjamin Franklin James Wilson Gouverneur Morris Edmund Randolph Roger Sherman Elbridge Gerry William Patterson Not attending: Thomas Jefferson John Adams Patrick Henry John Hancock Samuel Adams Richard Henry Lee Rhode Island

2 Philadelphia Convention May 55 delegates –Every state except –From propertied class “without being rich all are in easy circumstances” -Fr. diplomat Nationalists  wanted to strengthen the central government Elected George Washington as presiding officer Met in “secret”

3 Virginia Plan Powerful national government –Supremacy of national authority Rejected state sovereignty –National gov’t could veto state laws – – Lower house representation based on population Lower house would then name the members of the upper house –Both houses would then choose judiciary and executive James Madison

4 New Jersey Plan National gov’t could –Raise revenue –Control commerce –Make binding requisitions on states William Paterson

5 Debate and Near Collapse After about two weeks of discussion –Supported NJ Plan NJ, DE 1/2 of MD 2/3 of NY VA Plan still basis of discussion Key Questions: 1.How should representatives from each state be determined? 2.What powers should the national gov’t have? –Created committee to solve One delegate from each state

6 Hammering Out a Bundle of Compromises After deciding to scrap the Articles of Confederation, what to do?

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