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Romeo and Juliet Act II Vocabulary and Literary Elements.

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Presentation on theme: "Romeo and Juliet Act II Vocabulary and Literary Elements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Romeo and Juliet Act II Vocabulary and Literary Elements

2 Chide [chid’st] – v – criticize, scold

3 Confound – V – confuse, obscure

4 Conjure - call up; summon

5 Discourse – n- a lecture v – to talk or speak

6 Drivel – N - chatter; jabber

7 Exposition – n- display; demonstration

8 Idolatry - n - worship; adoration

9 Impute – v – accuse, stigmatize

10 Intercede – V – to come between Intercession -N - asking a favor of; intervention

11 Lamentable – adj. - unfortunate; regrettable

12 Perjuries - lies; swearing to what is untrue

13 Rancor [rancour]- n - hatred; hostility

14 Repose - calm; peacefulness

15 Sallow - sickly; pale

16 1. Metaphor A metaphor makes a direct comparison between things that are not truly alike. In Scene ii, Romeo utters the famous line, “But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the sun.” The metaphor compares the sun to Juliet.

17 2. Dramatic Irony From the prologue, we know that Romeo and Juliet are fated to die. We know that this play will be a tragedy. Dramatic Irony happens when the audience knows something unbeknown to the characters.

18 3. Soliloquy Usually, the character is alone on the stage. If other characters are present, they do not “hear” the speech. One of the most famous soliloquies in drama is Hamlet’s “to be or not to be” speech, in which he argues with himself about the value of life. In drama, a soliloquy is a longer speech that reveals the innermost thoughts and feelings of the character who speaks it – just as if the character were speaking to himself or herself.

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