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S.O.F By: Taylor, Cymirra, Mitch, Bradford, and Quadre` Should a new highway run through your county?

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Presentation on theme: "S.O.F By: Taylor, Cymirra, Mitch, Bradford, and Quadre` Should a new highway run through your county?"— Presentation transcript:

1 S.O.F By: Taylor, Cymirra, Mitch, Bradford, and Quadre` Should a new highway run through your county?

2 Pros and Cons Pros- easier transportation Cons- hurt farmers, take their land, and kill their crops….. Money and getting food will soon become a problem. You will have to buy more items from China and import more g ViOETjMAnJM:&imgrefurl= go.html&docid=MdG3ZnYPzuQ_XM&imgurl= aXo8r4xLdPg/TtZNVBInqLI/AAAAAAAAAkk/zdXFmW6QW_Y/s1600/crops.jpg&w=1280&h=853&ei=mmwBUaLKEbC10AHB1oGgAg&zoo m=1&iact=rc&dur=109&sig=117437541386145266691&page=2&tbnh=132&tbnw=208&start=26&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:50,s:0,i:235 &tx=111&ty=26oods

3 Interest Group The bill to allow construction of a new highway, which would run through part of your county should not be allowed. If the bill is voted on and becomes a law, a lot of farmers are going to be badly hurt. Farmers make a living from farming will soon have to find a way to get money and will become in debt. Making a highway there, will make our economy worst than what it already is.

4 Please help us by not making the bill to build a highway a law. iw=1366&bih=673&tbm=isch&tbnid=_oKqDB5y2maRmM:&imgrefurl=http://la.ind / 2&h=842&ei=AG0BUcrFHrCn0AHgu4Aw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=241&sig=1174375 41386145266691&page=1&tbnh=135&tbnw=164&start=0&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r :5,s:0,i:95&tx=132&ty=68

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