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Frog Legs And Snails By Connor, Hannah, Dylan, CJ, Jordan.

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Presentation on theme: "Frog Legs And Snails By Connor, Hannah, Dylan, CJ, Jordan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Frog Legs And Snails By Connor, Hannah, Dylan, CJ, Jordan

2 The Dangers of Eating Frogs Legs Frogs raised in farms have very high rates of chytrid infection which is a disease that rapidly kill amphibious populations

3 Frog Legs Frog Legs have been eaten for hundreds of years by many cultures including our own In some cultures it has turned into a national delicacy

4 History of Frog Legs The Aztec and Chinese were the first common people to eat frogs legs Soon after, French peasants began eating frog legs and it became a national delicacy

5 America and Frog Legs America consumes one fifth of the worlds frog legs There is a frog eating festival in Fellsmere, Florida California gold-miners ate the red legged-frog nearly to extinction

6 Snails Although eating snails (escargot) is thought to be started by the French they have been eaten for thousands of years by Romans and Greeks Escargot has been eaten for thousands of years and is considered in many of cultures as a delicacy

7 Escargot and Different Cultures It is believed that edible snails were brought to America in the 1850s and today America has the most recipes for escargot in the world There are many different recipes for escargot in the world such as the French, Italian, and the Greek

8 Escargot Facts Escargot has its own day dedicated to it which is on May 24 th Millions of pounds of escargot are eaten around the world each year Escargot is associated with France because the French eat them in such large quantity

9 Conclusion Even though thought to be of French origin both escargot and Frog Legs are not have been around long before and even though people may think that eating these foods are disgusting many people around the world eat them including in America.

10 Citation 8a& 8a& efurl= handed/&docid=pUM0LjwnfH_QNM&imgurl= content/uploads/2012/05/buddhist.jpg&w=500&h=357&ei=cHhWUMbiN_GB0QHC2ICQBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=314&vpy=197&d ur=368&hovh=190&hovw=266&tx=174&ty=53&sig=100502944472381187053&sqi=2&page=1&tbnh=153&tbnw=198&start=0&ndsp =10&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:141r:1,s:0,i:141,0.jpg

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