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The European Council´s definition of gender budgeting

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1 The European Council´s definition of gender budgeting
”Gender budgeting is an application of gender mainstreaming in the budgetary processes. It means a gender-based assessment of budgets, incorporating a gender perspective at all levels of the budgetary process and restructuring revenues and expenditures in order to promote gender equality.”

2 Gender budgeting on national level
3 pillars: Gender budgeting pilot project National action plan for gender equality Plan for implementing gender mainstreaming in the government offices

3 Gender budgeting pilot project
Part of the Nordic gender budgeting project. Started in January 2003. Cooperation between the Gender equality unit and the Budgetary department at the Ministry of Finance. 3 policy areas: Regional development, Social affairs and Transportation. Aim: To be pathfinders for the other 45 policy areas – developing methodology and tools for gender budgeting.

4 National Action Plan for Gender Equality
Presented to the parliament in June 2003. In itself an example of gender mainstreaming – the responsibility of each policy regarding objectives and results (or lack of it …) becomes very clear. Overall measure for this term of office: Gender equality analysis of all policy areas will be conducted with a view to defining objectives and outcome indicators.

5 Plan for implementing gender mainstrea-ming in the government offices 2004-2009
Adopted by the government in April 2004. The decision-making processes of the government offices with special focus on the state budgetary process. Concrete objectives regarding objectives and other steering mechanisms, training, methods and gender focal points. Indicators to measure the yearly performance of each ministry. Qualitative external evaluations every second year.

6 Measures for implementation
Strategically placed gender equality coordinators have been appointed and organisations for gender equality coordination have been established in all ministries. Extensive training programme for the Gender Equality Unit. Extensive training programme for the gender coordinators. Continuous training and support for all officials involved in the work of gender analysis and formulation of objectives and indicators. Presentation of results, where the performance of each policy area will be evident, is to be presented to the parliament in 2006.

7 Overall objective for Gender Equality Policy in Sweden
A society in which women and men have the same opportunities, rights and responsibilities in all areas of life.

8 Crucial areas Equal distribution of power and influence
The same opportunities to achieve economic independence Equal conditions in and opportunities to employment Equal access to education and training as well as opportunities to develop personal interests and talents. Shared responsibility for the children and the household Freedom from gender related violence

9 Organisation for implementing the national gender equality policy
All ministers responsible for gender equality within their policy areas. In the government one minister is responsible for coordinating the government´s gender equality policy, pushing the work forward and following up alla the measures at an overall level. The Gender Equality Unit assists the Minister for Gender Equality in his or her work and supports the other policy units in the Government Offices. County experts for gender equality issues at each county administrative board. The equal opportunities ombudsman. All 230 agencies that are reporting to the government has a duty to apply a gender equality perspective in its work.

10 The gender budgeting process
Gender Equality Analysis Scrutinizing existing objectives and indicators Formulation of better objectives and indicators, including appropriation of financial means Follow up and evaluation of performance, including the actual distribution of means between different groups of women and men … and starting all over again.

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